Ragtime (II)

Ragtime (II)

"Ragtime (II)" is the third ballet made by New York City Ballet's co-founder and balletmaster George Balanchine to Igor Stravinsky's "Ragtime for Eleven Instruments" (1918). The premiere took place on July 15, 1966, at Philharmonic Hall, New York. The first City Ballet performance was on January 17, 1967, at New York State Theater, Lincoln Center. The previous ballets made to Stravinsky's "Ragtime" were "Ragtime (I)" for City Ballet in 1960 and one of a number of "informal little things" made in St. Petersburg in 1922. [New York City Center, "Playbill" I:10, December 2, 1957]

Original cast

*Suzanne Farrell

*Arthur Mitchell


External links

* [http://www.nycballet.com NYCB website]

* [http://www.balanchine.com George Balanchine Trust website]

* [http://www.balanchine.org George Balanchine Foundation website]

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  • ragtime — [ ragtajm ] n. m. • 1913; mot angl. amér., de rag « chiffon » et time « temps » ♦ Anglic. Musique syncopée et rapide, adaptation par les Noirs américains de musiques de danse. Le ragtime est une des sources du jazz. Ragtimes pour piano. ● ragtime …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • ragtime — s.n. 1. Tip de piesă muzicală în ritm de jaz, născută din fuziunea folclorului negru cu muzica de dans. ♢ (Adjectival) Dans ragtime. 2. Stil pianistic de interpretare a muzicii ragtime (1). [pr.: régtaim] – cuv. engl. Trimis de LauraGellner,… …   Dicționar Român

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  • Ragtime (I) — is the second of three ballets made by New York City Ballet s co founder and balletmaster George Balanchine to Igor Stravinsky s 1918 Ragtime for Eleven Instruments ; with scenery by Robert Drew previously used for Lew Christensen s 1947 work for …   Wikipedia

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