- Exoticism
Exoticism (from 'exotic') is a trend in
art anddesign , influenced by some ethnic groups or civilizations since the late 19th-century. Inmusic exoticism is a genre in which the rhythms, melodies, or instrumentation are designed to evoke the atmosphere of far-off lands or ancient times (e.g. Ravel's "Daphnis et Chloé " and "Tzigane for Violin and Orchestra", Debussy's "Syrinx for Flute Solo" or Rimsky-Korsakov's "Capriccio espagnol "). Like orientalist subjects in 19th century painting, exoticism in the decorative arts and interior decoration was associated with fantasies of opulence.Exoticism, by definition, is "the charm of the unfamiliar." Scholar Alden Jones defines exoticism in
art andliterature as the representation of one culture for consumption by another. An archetypical example is the artist and writerPaul Gauguin and his representations of Tahitian people and landscapes for a French audience.ee also
*Other References
* " [http://links.jstor.org/sici?sici=0013-2586(199123)25%3A1%3C119%3AEITE%3E2.0.CO%3B2-M George Rousseau and Roy Porter] " (1990). "Exoticism in the Enlightenment" (Manchester: Manchester University Press). ISBN 0-567-09330-1
External links
* [http://www.metmuseum.org/toah/hd/exot/hd_exot.htm Exoticism in Decorative Arts]
* [http://www.silk-road.com/artl/tang.shtml Exoticism in Tang]
* [http://maras5.tripod.com/ Exoticism in the Literature of 1930s]
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.