Quantum no-deleting theorem

Quantum no-deleting theorem

Quantum states are fragile in one sense and also robust in another sense. Quantum theory tells us that given a single quantum it is impossible to determine it. One needs infinite number of identically prepared quantum states (copies) to know a state exactly. This has remarkable consequences in quantum information theory. One is the familiar no-cloning theorem for a single quantum [1] .Similar to the quantum no-cloning theorem, there is another no-go theorem in quantum information theory which is called as the no-deleting theorem [ 2]

Quantum deleting

Suppose that there are two copies of an unknown quantum state. A pertinent question in this context is to ask if it is possible to delete one copy from two copies using quantum mechanical operations? It turns out that we cannot. The no-deleting theorem is a consequence of linearity of quantum mechanics. Like the no-cloning theorem this has important implications in quantum computing, quantum information theory and quantum mechanics in general.

The process of quantum deleting takes two copies of an arbitrary, unknown quantum state at the input port and outputs a blank state along with the original. Mathematically, this can be described by::U |psi angle_A |psi angle_B |A angle_C = |psi angle_A |0 angle_B |A' angle_C,where U is the deleting operation which is not necessarily unitary (but a linear operator), |psi angle_A is the unknown quantum state, |0 angle_B is the blank state, |A angle_C is the initial state of the deleting machine and |A' angle_C is the final state of the machine.

It may be noted that classical bits can be copied and deleted, so also qubits in orthogonal states. For example, if we have two identical qubits |00 angle and |11 angle then we can transform to |00 angle and |10 angle . In this case we have deleted the second copy. However, it follows from linearity of quantum theory that there is no U that can perform the deleting operation for any arbitrary state |psi angle.


Let |psi angle is an unknown quantum state in some Hilbert space (and other states have their usual meaning). Then, there is no linear isometric transformation such that |psi angle_A |psi angle_B |A angle_C ightarrow |psi angle_A |0 angle_B |A' angle_C, with the final state of the ancilla being independent of|psi angle .


The theorem holds for quantum states in any Hilbert space dimension. For simplicity, let us consider the deleting transformation for two identical qubits. If two qubits are in orthogonal states then we have :|0 angle_A |0 angle_B |A angle_C ightarrow |0 angle_A |0 angle_B |A_0 angle_C,:|1 angle_A |1 angle_B |A angle_C ightarrow |1 angle_A |0 angle_B |A_1 angle_C.

Let |psi angle = alpha |0 angle + eta |1 angle be the state of an unknown qubit. If we have two copies of an unknown qubit, then by linearity of the deleting trtansformation we have :|psi angle_A |psi angle_B |A angle_C = [alpha^2 |0 angle_A |0 angle_B + eta^2
1 angle_A |1 angle_B + alpha eta (|0 angle_A |1 angle_B + |1 angle_A |0 angle_B ) ]
A angle_C: ightarrow alpha^2 |0 angle_A |0 angle_B |A_0 angle_C + eta^2
1 angle_A |0 angle_B |A_1 angle_C+ {sqrt 2} alpha eta |Phi angle_{ABC}. In the above expression, the following transformation has been used: 1/{sqrt 2}(|0 angle_A |1 angle_B + |1 angle_A |0 angle_B ) |A angle_C ightarrow |Phi angle_{ABC} .

However, if we are able to delete a copy, then at the output port of the deleting machine the combined state should be : |psi angle_A |0 angle_B |A' angle_C = (alpha |0 angle_A |0 angle_B + eta |1 angle_A |0 angle_B) |A' angle_C.

In general, these states are not identical and hence we can say that the machine fails to delete a copy. If we require that the final output states are same, then we will see that there is only oneoption:: |Phi angle = 1/{sqrt 2}(0 angle_A |0 angle_B |A_1 angle_C +
1 angle_A |0 angle_B |A_0 angle_C), and: |A' angle = alpha |A_0 angle_C + eta |A_1 angle_C .

Since final state of the ancilla is normalized for all values of alpha, eta it must be true that |A_0 angle and |A_1 angle are orthogonal.This means that the quantum information is simply in the final state of the ancilla. One can alwaysobtain the unknown state from the final state of the ancilla using local operation on the ancillaHilbert space. Thus, linearity of quantum theory does not allow an unknown quantum state to be deletedperfectly.


* If it will be possible to delete an unknown quantum state then using two pairs of EPR state we can send signal faster than light. Thus, the no-deleting theorem is in consistent with the no-signalling condition.

* The no-cloning and the no-deleting theorems point to conservation of quantum information.

* A stronger version of the no-cloning theorem and the no-deleting theorem provide permanence to quantum information. To create a copy one must import the information from some part of the universe and to delete one needs to export it to other part of the universe where it will continue to exists.


* W.K. Wootters and W.H. Zurek, "A Single Quantum Cannot be Cloned, Natur"e 299 (1982), 802.
* D. Dieks, "Communication by EPR devices", Physics Letters A, vol. 92(6) (1982), 271.
* A. K. Pati and S. L. Braunstein, "Impossibility of Deleting an Unknown Quantum State", Nature 404 (2000), 104.

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