ESCM (eSourcing Capability Model)

ESCM (eSourcing Capability Model)

The eSourcing Capability Model (eSCM) is a framework developed by ITSqc at Carnegie Mellon University in order to improve the relationship between IT Services providers and their customers.

These services can be very different: IT outsourcing, IT hosting, application development and maintenance outsourcing, networking services, business process outsourcing.

eSCM is two-fold: eSCM-CL for Clients and eSCM-SP for Service Providers. These two models are consistent, symmetrical and complementary for each side of the client-provider relationship and this is the strength and the uniqueness of this model.

See also

* Capability Maturity Model

External links

* [ Information] from ITSqc, Carnegie Mellon University

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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