Kalahumoku I

Kalahumoku I

Kalahumoku I or Kalahuimoku I became a ruling chief of Hana in the late 13th century. He was district king or chief of the District of Hana which was pretty much independent and balanced their power by recognizing both the Kings of Maui and the Kings of Hawaii. He was of the Pili line of Hawaii chiefs on his paternal lineage, and on his maternal lineage, he was the descendant of Kamauaua of Molokai.

He was born either of Molokai or the Big Island to Kanipahu, King of Hawaii and Hualani, Hereditary High Chiefess of Molokai. His brother was Kanaloa, father of King Kalapana. David Malo said Kalapana was his brother but this was not true because Malo had ignored a generation. His mother was great-granddaughter of Nuakea, who was the granddaughter of Maweke and wife of Keoloewa. The two brothers had been brought up in retirement in the countryside of the Big Island, without the knowledge of Kamaiole, their father's usurper , because if Kamaiole had known them to be the sons of the king, he would have put them to death.

Sometime after or before his nephew, Kalapana, came to the Big Island throne, he settled at Kauwiki on Maui and became a ruling chieftain of Hana. He married La'amea and begot a son, Iki-a-Laamea. Iki-a-Laamea married Kalamea and begot a son, Kamanawa-a-Kalamea. Kamanawa-a-Kalamea married Kaina (Kai'ua) and begot Onakaina (Ua'kai'ua). Onakaia married Kuamakani and had Kanahae-a-Kuamakani who married Kapiko and had Kuleana-a-Kapiko. Kuleana-a-Kapiko married Keniani-a-hoolei and had Akahiakuleana, mother of Umi of Hawaii.


*David Malo, Hawaiian Antiquities, Honolulu: Bishop Museum Press, 1951.
*Abraham Fornander, An Account of the Polynesian Race: Its Origin and Migrations, Rutland, VT: Charles E. Tuttle Company, 1969
*Catherine C. Summers, "Molokai: A Site Survey," Pacific Anthropological Records, No. 14, (Honolulu, HI: Department of Anthropology, Bernice P. Bishop Museum, 1971).


* [http://freepages.genealogy.rootsweb.ancestry.com/~barbpretz/ps01/ps01_214.html Rootsweb]

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