Hydra Technologies Gavilán

Hydra Technologies Gavilán

The E1 Gavilán is an unmanned electrical-surveillance airplane of design and manufacturing by the Mexican firm Hydra Technologies of Mexico. The aircraft is a remotely controlled unmanned aerial vehicle. [cite news | first=Nurit | last=Nurit Martínez Carballo | coauthors= | title=Vuela alto el Politécnico | date=2008 - 08 -13 | publisher= | url =http://www.eluniversal.com.mx/sociedad/511.html | work =El Universal | pages = | accessdate = 2008-08-13 ]

The Gavilán was presented on June 10th of 2008 in San Diego, California by 'Hydra Technologies of Mexico' in AUVSI (Association for Unmanned Vehicle Systems International) North America 2008, the biggest global expo of this particular industry in the world.

Just a month alter its introduction in the United States, E1 Gavilán was also presented in the most important aeronautics expo in the world: the London Air Show of Farnborough, July 14th.


The Gavilán is an unmanned aerial system for surveillance that assures multiple uses and functionalities without risking human lives. This airplane offers capabilities that require more speed and less space that the established by its brother-system: the S4 Ehécatl.

The aircraft’s most important innovation is its lack of dependency on runways to execute its take-off, exchanging this necessity for a hand-made departure, making ground maneuvering easier on uneven terrain.

The aircraft has a 90-minutes flight autonomy, it can fly by day or night and its controlled by a single user by means of a portable GCS.

Like the S4, this system is the result of a joint effort between the Mexican Federal Government, Nafinsa and academic or scientific institutions such as CONACYT, Instituto Politécnico Nacional, Universidad Autónoma de Guadalajara and ITESO.


*E1 Gavilán is an unamanned aerial vehicle (UAV)
*Weight: 5 kg
*Operation radio: 10 km
*Take-off mode: catapult
*Payload: interchangeable module equipped with mission sensor and flight camera
*Extensión: 150 cm (1.5 m)
*Power source: electric battery
*Autonomous power: electric engine
*Flight autonomy: 90 minutes
*Operacional height: around 8000 feet over sea level.


The Mexican Secretary of Homeland Security gives proper use for its war on drugs, for it detects drug transport and plantations. Furthermore, it monitors border zones and natural disasters, due to its thermal sensors and high-definition electro-optic camera, which allows detection of objects of interest through thermal image processing.

See Also

*The S4 Ehécatl
*Hydra Technologies of Mexico

External Links

* Official web-page: [http://www.hydra-technologies.com Hydra Technologies de Mexico] .


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