SNCF Class BB 67400

SNCF Class BB 67400

Infobox Locomotive
name = Class BB67400
powertype = Diesel

caption = 67619 with a Provins-Paris-Est train.
builder = flagicon|France Brissonneau and Lotz
serialnumber =
buildmodel =
builddate = 1969-1975
totalproduction = 232
whytetype =
aarwheels = B-B
uicclass =
gauge = 1435 mm
leadingsize =
driversize =
trailingsize =
wheelbase =
length = 17.090 m
width =
height =
framesize =
weightondrivers = 10.375 t
weight = 83 t
locotenderweight =
fueltype = Diesel


consumption =
watercons =
electricsystem =
collectionmethod =
primemover = S.E.M.T. Pielstick 16 PA 4 (V16)
enginetype =
aspiration =
displacement =
boiler =
boilerpressure =
feedwaterheater =
firearea =
tubearea =
fluearea =
tubesandflues =
fireboxarea =
totalsurface =
superheatertype =
superheaterarea =
cylindercount =
cylindersize =
rearcylindersize =
hpcylindersize =
lpcylindersize =
valvegear =
transmission =
topspeed = 140 km/h
poweroutput = 1765 kW
tractiveeffort =
factorofadhesion =
locobrakes =
trainbrakes =
railroad = SNCF
railroadclass = BB67400
numinclass = 228 (at 2005)
roadnumber = 67401-67632
officialname =
nicknames =
locale =
deliverydate =
firstrundate =
lastrundate =
retiredate =
restoredate =
scrapdate =
currentowner =
disposition =|
The SNCF Class BB 67400 diesel locomotives were built by Brissonneau and Lotz between 1969-1975. They can be found working all over France on both freight and passenger trains.

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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