Gaspar de Quiroga y Vela

Gaspar de Quiroga y Vela

Gaspar de Quiroga y Vela , (Madrigal de las Altas Torres,Avila, 13 January 1512 - 20 November 1595) was a Spanish archbishop.


Doctor in Theology and Law by the University of Salamanca, sent by King Felipe II of Spain, (May 21, 1527 – September 13, 1598), to Rome and the Italian territories associated with Spain there in the 1550´s, member of the Spanish High Council of Justice since 1563, Bishop of Cuenca, (1561 - 1577), General Inquisitor of Spain, (1573 - 1595), Archbishop of Toledo, (1577 - 1594), Cardinal of Rome by Pope Gregory X since 1578.

He was a patron in Toledo of the Greek-Spanish painter Doménikos Theotokópoulos, usually known as El Greco; and liberated from the Inquisition's prisons the mystical poet Frey Luis Ponce de León. He had been imprisoned at Valladolid from March 1572 until December 1576 for publishing, amongst other things, a Spanish translation of the "Song of Solomon", both of his parents having Jewish ancestry albeit being himself an Augustinian monk expert in Greek, Latin and Hebrew.

In 1583 an apparently important group of Crypto-Jews were discovered in Quintanar de la Orden, province of Toledo, Castile - La Mancha, Spain. This village was associated to the Military Order of Santiago since 1174.

At 9 Km. can be located the world famous village of El Toboso, supposed to be the birth place of "Dulcinea", the elusive young paysant love of "Don Quijote de la Mancha" , the aging XVI Century Errand Knight nurtured by "faithful but suspected Spanish Christian" Miguel de Cervantes, (September 29, 1547 – April 23, 1616), who not only fought against wind mills he identified in his reasoning madness as Malignant Geants but also fought against Inquisitors carrying "faith" prisoniers to their dungeons, something written by Cervantes just around those dates or not much later that when the Quintanar de la Orden crypto-jews have been detained.

Around 1584 Inquisitor Quiroga built at the other side of the River Tagus, in the area known as the "Cigarrales", a summer house identified today as the exclusive 9 bedrooms, "Hotel La Almazara", the arabic name for an olive oil mill factory.

His face has been identified recently, (beginnings of the year 2008), as the face of Saint Augustin in the famous "El Greco" painting "The miracolous burial of the Señor de Orgaz", 480 x 350 cm. standing at the Church of Santo Tomé, Toledo , painted by Domenicos between 1586 and 1588 and today one the "magnet" "must be seen" paintings for Toledo visitors.

ee also

*Spanish Inquisition


*PIZARRO LLORENTE, Henar. "Un gran patrón en la corte de Felipe II : Don Gaspar de Quiroga".Pizarro Llorente, Henar. Publ. Madrid : Universidad Pontificia de Comillas, (2004), 620 pages ; 24 cm., Bibliography and Index, ISBN 84-8468-147-5

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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