

Infobox Album | Name = Solitude/Solitaire
Type = Album
Artist = Peter Cetera

Released = June 1986
Recorded = 1985-1986
Genre = Rock
Length = Unknown
Label = Warner Bros
Producer = Michael Omartian
Reviews =
*Allmusic Rating|3|5 [ link]
Last album = "Peter Cetera"
This album = "Solitude/Solitaire"
Next album = "One More Story"

"Solitude/Solitaire", released in 1986, is the second solo release by former-Chicago member and lead vocalist Peter Cetera, his first after leaving the band. It contains his hits "Glory of Love" and "The Next Time I Fall" (with Amy Grant). Produced by Michael Omartian (who later produced "Another Perfect World" in 2001) the album was Cetera's greatest solo success.

Commonly mistaken for his first solo album, which was really the self-titled "Peter Cetera", Cetera recorded this album after leaving Chicago in 1985. Being a prominent songwriter for the band, many of the songs present of "Solitude/Solitaire" are rumored to originally have been slated for "Chicago 18", especially "Big Mistake" and "Daddy's Girl".

While "Big Mistake" was due to be the first single from the album, "Glory of Love", co-written by Cetera and producer David Foster was released instead. That song, from the movie "The Karate Kid, Part II", topped the Billboard Hot 100 and Adult Contemporary charts, and helped make "Solitude/Solitaire" a hit album (eventually going Platinum). The follow-up single, "The Next Time I Fall", was also a major success and topped the charts. Later singles released from the album included "Big Mistake" and "Only Love Knows Why".

"Solitude/Solitaire", a slickly recorded and produced album, marked a high point in Cetera's career, where he achieved success for the first time on his own (in fact, selling more copies than "Chicago 18", Chicago's first album without Cetera). As time progressed, he became less appealing to the general public and more appealing to the adult contemporary audiences, and consequently, this was his highest selling solo album.

Track listing

# "Big Mistake" (Peter Cetera, Amos Galpin) – 5:39
# "They Don't Make 'em Like They Used To" (Cetera, Erich Bulling) – 4:04
# "Glory of Love" (Cetera, David Foster, Diane Nini) – 4:20
# "Queen of the Masquerade Ball" (Cetera, Michael Omartian) – 3:50
# "Daddy's Girl" (Cetera, Mark Goldenberg) – 3:46
# "The Next Time I Fall" (with Amy Grant) (Bobby Caldwell, Paul Gordon) – 3:43
# "Wake Up To Love" (Cetera, David Wolinski, Omartian) – 4:29
# "Solitude/Solitaire" (Cetera, Omartian) – 4:58
# "Only Love Knows Why" (Cetera, George Bitzer, Omartian) – 4:29

"Peter Cetera" reached a peak of #26 on the Billboard Pop Albums chart. It was certified Platinum by the RIAA, selling over 1,000,000 copies in the United States.

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