José Peirats

José Peirats

José Peirats Valls (15 March, 1908-20 August, 1989) was a Spanish anarchist, activist, journalist and historian.

Peirats was born in the province of Valencia. He had a limited schooling in one of the working class rationalist schools which offered an alternative to mainstream education controlled by the clergy and state. Thus he developed a thirst for learning which never left him. For many years he worked as a tile-maker, and devoted himself to the anarchist movement.

Peirats came to anarchism after moving in his early years to Barcelona. He was a long-standing member of the Confederación Nacional del Trabajo (CNT) and at one point edited its newspaper, "Solidaridad Obrera" ('Workers Solidarity'). He was also a member of the federation of anarchist affinity groups, the Federación Anarquista Ibérica (FAI).

As a historian of the Spanish anarchist movement, Peirats produced an important three volume study of the libertarian movement in the Spanish Civil War, "La CNT en la revolución española". A one volume abridgement, "Anarchists in the Spanish Revolution" was printed by Black and Red. An English translation of the full three volume work is being published by Stuart Christie, edited by Chris Ealham. The first two volumes were published in 2001 and 2005 respectively; the third volume was publised 2006.

Peirats papers are held by the International Institute of Social History in Amsterdam.


*"Anarchists in the Spanish Revolution". London : Freedom Press, 1990. ISBN 0900384530.
*"The CNT in the Spanish Revolution". ChristieBooks, Hastings, 2005: ISBN 1901172058 (vol. 1); ISBN 1873976240 (vol. 2); [2006] : ISBN 1873976291 (vol.3).

External links

* [ José Peirats] in the Daily Bleed's Anarchist Encyclopedia
* [ José Peirats Valls Papers] .

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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