Turnhalle Constitutional Conference

Turnhalle Constitutional Conference

The Turnhalle Constitutional Conference was a conference held in Windhoek from 1975-1977. The conference sought to create an "internal settlement" for Namibian independence. Organized by Dirk Mudge, a White member of the National Party of South Africa and the National Unity Democratic Organisation (NUDO) with South African-sponorship, the Turnhalle Conference laid the framework for the government of South West Africa from 1977 to independence in 1989.


As a result of the Conference, the participating parties developed the Democratic Turnhalle Alliance as a counterbalance the South West Africa People's Organization. The party developed at the conference became the Democratic Turnhalle Alliance, which has been the official opposition to SWAPO since independence in 1990. [ [http://rehobothbasters.org/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=279&Itemid=38 DTA ‘Down but Not Out’] in the New Era, via rehobothbasters.org, 22 October, 2004] Following the end of the Conference, the South African authorities annouced the 1978 election, which was denouced as illegitimate by international authorities as well as SWAPO.

Attending parties

* South West African Labour Party
* Bushman Alliance (BA)
* Caprivi delegation
* Namibia Democratic Turnhalle Party (NDTP, Nama)
* National Democratic Party (NDP, Owambo)
* National Unity Democratic Organization (Nudo, Herero)
* Rehoboth DTA Party (RDTAP), formerly the Rehoboth Baster Association
* Republican Party (Whites)
* Seoposengwe Party (Tswana)
* South West Africa People's Democratic United Front (SWAP-DUF, Damara)
* National Democratic Unity Party (NDUP, Kavango)
* Christian Democrat Union (CDU, Coloured [ [http://rehobothbasters.org/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=279&Itemid=38 DTA ‘Down but Not Out’] in the New Era, via rehobothbasters.org, 22 October, 2004]


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