- Bill & Ted's Excellent Video Game Adventure
Infobox VG
title = Bill & Ted's Excellent Video Game Adventure
developer = Rocket Science Productions
publisher = LJN, Ltd.
designer = Rocket Science Productions
engine =
released = flagicon|USA start date|1991|08|
genre = Action
modes =Single player
ratings =
platforms = NES
media = Cartridge
requirements =
input = NES controller"Bill & Ted's Excellent Video Game Adventure" is the title of a
video game released for theNintendo Entertainment System . The game acts a non canon sequel to the film "Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure ".Plot
The story begins when Rufus summons Bill S. Preston Esq. and "Ted" Theodore Logan for a mission. Both boys arrive at different times, first Ted then Bill. They are informed that time-space rebels have gone back in time kidnapping various historical figures and leaving them stranded in different time periods. So now they must travel to the time periods, retrieve these figures and return them to their correct time. But this must be done soon as possible. For if history isn't made right, the boys will miss the big concert that will launch Wyld Stallyns' music career. Ted leaves and Bill arrives later. Rufus states that since they both came alone, it's best that they work separately. From there Bill is brought up to speed on the situation. Bill is instructed to go back in time and leave items to help Ted along the way in each time period he visits. When Bill has done this he will start his own search. Ted will also do the same for Bill's search after he has found a historical figure.
Depending on the level, players take control of either Bill or Ted to search for the stranded historical figures various worlds throughout history and return them to their rightful times. Players will explore houses, building, and castles plus talk to locals for clue and out fox mad villagers by out running, or using items from their inventory that can either distract, satisfy, or kill.
Skeleton keys
These act as lives in the games. If the player gets arrested, they will have use these to get out. Each time the player leaves jail he loses a key. Lose all keys and the game is over.
Good Stuff
This is your inventory of items to use on locals. Good Stuff consist of Highly Dangerous Text Books (causes all locals on screen to disappear), Cans of Pudding, Sticks of Dynamite (makes locals flee or disappear if touched), and Cassette Tapes (that make the locals dance).
Circuits of Time directory
A book with listings of all the historical figures and their phone numbers within the game. The figure who is to be found in that level will flash a red phone number underneath their original number that players must dial to find said person.
The Circuits of Time
Like in the film, players will travel through time in the phonebooth through the Circuits of Time. The circuits in the game are much different than those in the film. There is only one on screen that bends straight lines and tiny loops in some places. On these bends are large circles called junctions. Each junction on the circuit has a large number in its center that represents a digit in the phone number dialed. When the booth reaches one of the junctions the booth will redial the destination's number to continue. Since this booth is a pay phone, each time the number is redialed the player will lose two coins. Out in the black void there are other junctions. There is a single purple ring which is the players' junction; players will have full control of this junction and can slowly move it about. Plus there are junctions with a single skull in the center. These are the rebel junctions. The objective here is to get to the end with money to spare. Players will have to fire the booth out to either another standard junction or their junction, all the while avoiding the rebel junctions. For if the booth is caught, it will ricochet in a random direction and a coin will be deducted. When the booth reaches the final junction there will be a three-way branch. This branch will determine what part of the world the player will be in when they start, depending on what they pressed on the direction button.
The time periods in the games levels consist of worlds. Here the screen will be in a 3/4 overhead perspective. There are six worlds within the game, so player will more than likely visit each one twice.
*Medieval World
*Western World
*Colonial World
*Medieval World 2
*Modern World
*Ancient WorldLocals
Locals are both friends and foes in the game. Players will have to talk to locals for clues about the historical figures or about helpful items. Sometimes they even receive items and coins. However there are three types of locals throughout the game. Locals that stand around are called "Helpful Dudes". They will give help to the player when approached. Locals seen walking about are referred to as "Toll Dudes". When the player bumps into them, they will demand money by saying "Clumsy oaf! Pay me one coin or I'll have you locked up!". If a player is broke, they will be taken to jail. Then there are the "Crazed Jailer Dudes". These are locals that will pursue the player with arms outstretched. If the player is caught by a Crazed Jailer Dude they will go to jail. Some locals are also inside various buildings. These are Non Player Characters (NPCs). When players talk to an NPC it will start conversations that the player can partially control through a selection of dialog that the player can choose from. However, the conversation can get ugly. If the player says anything to anger the NPC they will either be automatically sent to jail, or be thrown out following the local's final words "...and do be careful on your way out." In this case the player will be greeted by a couple of Crazed Jailer Dudes which the player can avoid if lucky.
Future selves
Like in the film, the player will have a run-in with their future self. These NPCs are located in various buildings within each world. Players can strike up conversation with themselves for possible help on their journey.
Canoeing and horseback riding
At points in each world, players will be able to find means of travel either by canoeing on a river or riding on horseback. Here, players will hop on and ride forward, steering clear of various obstacles. If the player hits an obstacle on their horse, they are catapulted off and must either continue on foot or walk back to the beginning and start again. If they do this in a canoe, they fall in the water and are sent downstream to the end automatically. But if the player makes it without being thrown, they are rewarded with a prize.
Historical figures
Historical Figures (or "Historical Dudes" as they are called in the game's manual) are found in random areas of each time period. Levels 1 and 2 only have one to find, levels 3 and 4 have two, and levels 5 and 6 have three. Since the historical figures were left stranded by the rebels, they are not as willing to make a second trip through time. So they must be enticed by giving them items called "Historical Bait". Historical bait can be found in four locations in each world. Each individual historical bait will be directed to a historical figure, so players must choose the right bait when offering or risk being thrown in jail by the historical figure. Although the historical figures home phone numbers are given out at the beginning of the game. Players never actually get to dial them throughout the game. As the numbers are predialed by the computer and most give the player a busy signal during the rest of the game.
Music within the game levels is unique as each piece is short and non-looping. Arranged versions of popular songs are used for various game levels. Medieval World uses
Scarborough Fair , Modern World uses the song "Won't You Come Home Bill Bailey ", and Ancient World usesDeep Purple 's "Smoke on the Water ".Trivia
*Some of the historical figures appeared in other installments of the Bill & Ted franchise.
**George Washington appeared in the first season of the animated "Excellent Adventures" series onCBS . Washington locks up the brothers Grimm after they fall on him. Washington also appeared in the issue of Marvel Comics' "Bill & Ted's Excellent Comic Book " entitled "Bob Spelled Backwards..." Here, Bill, Ted, and other historical figures are brought to the future by a kid named Bob for his oral history report. However Bill and Ted learn that Washington is anything but what his reputation portrays him, as he cheats at poker and smokes cigars.
**Christopher Columbus appeared in the second season of the animated "Excellent Adventures" series on FOX. Bill and Ted cause him to quit his exploration for the new world after seeing their bad habits on his journey. This results in America not existing in the present, and forces them to go back and persuade Columbus to start his journey again.
**Thomas Edison appears at the beginning of the sequel "Bill & Ted's Bogus Journey " as one of Rufus' guest speakers at Bill & Ted University. It is revealed that he has spoken there many times prior to the film.
**A young Elvis appears in FOX's live action "Excellent Adventures" series. Bill and Ted have to persuade Elvis to pursue his career in music or else there will be no king of Rock 'n' Roll.
*The game's manual lists Ted's proper name as Theodore Logan III. If this is taken into account, this could mean that Ted's father is named Theodore as well.
*The game's main sponsor wasButterfinger candy. The game came with a fold-out Bill and Ted game poster that featured the message "Have a bodacious time with Butterfinger and "Bill & Ted's Excellent Video Game Adventure"!"See also
Bill & Ted's Excellent Game Boy Adventure "
*"Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure (Atari Lynx) "
*"Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure (PC game) "References
*Retrieved from the game's instruction manual circa 1991.
External links
*GameFAQs|type=/console/nes|num=587138|name="Bill & Ted's Excellent Video Game Adventure"
*moby game|id=/bill-teds-excellent-adventure|name="Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure"
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