Mutual Admiration Society
- Mutual Admiration Society
Mutual Admiration Society is an album released by Joe Locke and the David Hazeltine Quartet in 1999.
Album information
Mutual Admiration Society (
Joe Locke &
David Hazeltine Quartet,
Original release date: June 29, 1999. Label: Sharp Nine
- "K-Man's Crew" (Locke)
- "I Say A Little Prayer" (Bacharach / David)
- "Can We Talk?" (Hazeltine)
- "The Haze Factor" (Locke)
- "Tears In Her Heart" (Hazeltine)
- "Spring Will Be A Little Late This Year" (Loesser)
- "Diamonds Remain" (Locke)
- "For All We Know" (Lewis / Coots)
- David Hazeltine - piano
- Joe Locke - vibraphone
- Essiet Essiet - bass
- Billy Drummond - drums
External links
*Joe Locke's official website
Wikimedia Foundation.
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mutual admiration society — noun (facetious) A group of people or circle of friends lavish in their praise of each other • • • Main Entry: ↑mutual … Useful english dictionary
mutual admiration society — noun A group of two or more people, in a workplace or other social environment, who routinely express considerable esteem and support for one another, sometimes to the point of exaggeration or pretense … Wiktionary
Mutual Admiration Society (disambiguation) — Mutual Admiration Society can refer to: Literature Mutual admiration society, a term referring to people who admire or flatter each other, originated in the 1800s but came into common use in the latter 1950s, popularized by the song of the same… … Wikipedia
Mutual Admiration Society (song) — For other uses, see Mutual Admiration Society (disambiguation). Mutual Admiration Society is a popular song published in 1956 from the Broadway musical Happy Hunting. The song s tune was written by Harold Karr, the lyrics by Matt Dubey.[1]… … Wikipedia
Mutual Admiration Society (collaboration) — For other uses, see Mutual Admiration Society (disambiguation). Mutual Admiration Society Origin United States Genres Rock, Country, Bluegrass Years active 2000–present … Wikipedia
Mutual Admiration Society (album) — For other uses, see Mutual Admiration Society (disambiguation). Mutual Admiration Society Studio album by Mutual Admiration Society … Wikipedia
mutual admiration society — noun two people who admire each other greatly, but whose admiration for each other is viewed as self serving …
(a) mutual admiration society — humorous a situation in which two people express a lot of admiration for each other. You haven t aged at all. Neither have you and look how slim you are! Hey, you two, why don t you form a mutual admiration society! … New idioms dictionary
Mutual Admiration Society - Joe Locke & David Hazeltine Quartet — Album InformationOriginal release date: June 29, 1999. Label: Sharp Nine*1. K Man s Crew (Locke) *2. I Say A Little Prayer (Bacharach / David) *3. Can We Talk? (Hazeltine) *4. The Haze Factor (Locke) *5. Tears In Her Heart (Hazeltine) *6. Spring… … Wikipedia
mutual — mu|tu|al [ˈmju:tʃuəl] adj [Date: 1400 1500; : French; Origin: mutuel, from Latin mutuus lent, borrowed, mutual ] 1.) mutual feelings such as respect, trust, or hatred are feelings that two or more people have for each other →↑reciprocal mutual… … Dictionary of contemporary English