glue-sniffer — glueˈ sniffer noun A person who inhales the fumes of certain types of glue to achieve hallucinatory effects, etc • • • Main Entry: ↑glue … Useful english dictionary
glue sniffer — glue sniffer, a person who sniffs glue for the intoxicating effect of the toluene used in it … Useful english dictionary
glue-sniffing — ☆ glue sniffing [glo͞o′snif΄iŋ ] n. the practice of inhaling the fumes of glue containing toluene or other solvents for the intoxicating and euphoric effects: it may cause damage to the brain, liver, kidneys, etc. glue sniffer n. * * * ➡ drugs *… … Universalium
glue-sniffing — ☆ glue sniffing [glo͞o′snif΄iŋ ] n. the practice of inhaling the fumes of glue containing toluene or other solvents for the intoxicating and euphoric effects: it may cause damage to the brain, liver, kidneys, etc. glue sniffer n … English World dictionary
glue sniffing — glue sniffer. the inhaling of the fumes of certain kinds of glue for the hallucinogenic or euphoric effect. [1960 65, Amer.] * * * … Universalium
glue-sniffing — glue .sniffing n [U] the habit of breathing in gases from glues in order to produce a state of pleasure >glue sniffer n … Dictionary of contemporary English
glue sniffing — glue sniffer. the inhaling of the fumes of certain kinds of glue for the hallucinogenic or euphoric effect. [1960 65, Amer.] … Useful english dictionary
glue-snif|fing — «GLOO SNIHF ihng», noun. the habit or practice of a glue sniffer … Useful english dictionary
glue — n. & v. n. an adhesive substance used for sticking objects or materials together. (glues, glued, gluing or glueing) 1 fasten or join with glue. 2 keep or put very close (an eye glued to the keyhole). Phrases and idioms: glue pot 1 a pot… … Useful english dictionary
sniffer — n. 1 a person who sniffs, esp. one who sniffs a drug or toxic substances (often in comb.: glue sniffer). 2 sl. the nose. 3 colloq. any device for detecting gas, radiation, etc. Phrases and idioms: sniffer dog colloq. a dog trained to sniff out… … Useful english dictionary