Vincenzo Foppa

Vincenzo Foppa

Vincenzo Foppa (c. 1430 – c. 1515) was a Northern-Italian Renaissance painter.

He was an elderly contemporary of Leonardo da Vinci. Born at Bagnolo Mella, near Brescia in the Republic of Venice, he settled in Pavia around 1456, serving the dukes of Milan and emerging as one of the most prominent Lombard painters. Foppa returned to Brescia in 1489. His style shows affinities to Andrea del Castagno and Carlo Crivelli. Vasari claimed he had trained in Padua, where he may have been strongly influenced by Mantegna.

During his lifetime, he was highly acclaimed, especially for his skill in perspective and foreshortening. His important works include a fresco in the Brera Gallery of Milan, the "Martyrdom of St. Sebastian", and a "Crucifixion" (1435) in the Accademia Carrara of Bergamo. Many of his works have been lost. He was influential in the styles of Vincenzo Civerchio and Girolamo Romanino.


*cite book | first= Sydney J.| last= Freedberg| year=1993| title= Painting in Italy, 1500-1600| pages= p. 360 |publisher=Penguin Books

External links

* [ Vincenzo Foppa At Gallery of Art]
* [| Web Gallery of Art biography]
*cite book | author= Federico Nicoli Cristiani | year=1807| title= Della Vita delle pitture di Lattanzio Gambara; Memorie Storiche aggiuntevi brevi notizie intorno a' più celebri ed eccelenti pittori Bresciani| chapter= | editor= | others= | pages= pages 157-159| publisher= Spinelli e Valgiti, Brescia| id= | url=| authorlink=

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