Unión Libre

Unión Libre

"Unión libre. Cadernos de vida e culturas" ("Free Union. Review of Life and Culture") began as a series of annual publications devoted to life in the most integral and multicultural sense, although always in relation to creative work, preferably literary, and from a progressive point of view, totally open, critical, independent and free-thinking.

The first three issues contained a section of monographic studies, each devoted to an important topic, by specialists; a creative section consisting of translations of major texts from contemporary culture; unpublished works with an original focus; and a documentary dossier devoted to people and texts worthy of being preserved, honored, recognized and appreciated because they were forgotten, hidden, repressed, persecuted or exiled. With the same desire for rigorous analysis, creative freedom and commitment to remembering the past, the current phase was begun and is comprised completely of monographic issues. "Unión libre" is the result of a project but also a reality: the free union of persons and ideas, of analysis and creation, of documented memory and artistic avant-garde, of polycentric research and integrating methodologies, of submersion in our roots and dialogues without borders, in sum, of life and cultures, by means of these radically energetic issues, even though they may contain a few fragments of scientific investigation, of free creation, of working memory and perhaps, of the freedom to live.

General Editors: Carmen Blanco and Claudio Rodriguez Fer.

Editorial Board: Xosé Luís Axeitos, Vsévolod Bagno, Diana Conchado, Carme Junyent, Lily Litvak, María Lopo, Kathleen N. March and Olga Novo.

Ilustrations: Sara Lamas.

* Nº 1: Mulleres escritoras / Alquimia Rimbaud / Ser poeta / Poesía visual / Ruedo ibérico (1996)
* Nº 2: Labirintos celtas / Dylan Thomas / Química Gamoneda / Amar india / Proceso Vega (1997)
* Nº 3: Literaturas integrais / Hölderlin Valente / Visión Brossa / Díaz Pardo / Mundo pingüín (1998)
* Nº 4: Erotismos (1999)
* Nº 5: Cantares (2000)
* Nº 6: Negritudes (2001)
* Nº 7: Indíxenas (2002)
* Nº 8: Paz (2003)
* Nº 9: Memoria antifascista de Galicia (2004)
* Nº 10: Amores (2005)
* Nº 11: Vermellas (2006)
* Nº 12: Cinemas (2007)

Ediciós do Castro, Sada (A Coruña, Galicia). ISSN 1137-1250. Depósito legal C-1668-1996.


* [http://www.unionlibre.org Unión libre. Cadernos de vida e culturas]

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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