Conceptual Proliferation

Conceptual Proliferation

In Buddhism, Conceptual Proliferation or Self-Reflexive Thinking (Pali: "papañca", Sanskrit "prapañca") refers to the deluded conceptualization of the world through the use of ever-expanding language and concepts, all rooted in the delusion of self; it is intended to elucidate reality although it has the unexpected result of distorting it andor creating a false perceptual reality.

The term is mentioned in a variety of suttas in the Pali canon, such as the Madhupindika Sutta (MN 18) and is mentioned in Mahayana Buddhism as well. When referencing the concepts derived from this dubious process, such concepts are referred to in Pali as "Papañca-sañña-sankha".

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Monkey mind

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