École supérieure d'ingénieurs en électronique et électrotechnique

École supérieure d'ingénieurs en électronique et électrotechnique

("ESIEE Amiens").

General information

It was founded in 1903 and was known until the 1960s as the Breguet school. It is operated by the Paris Chamber of Commerce. In 1992, another branch, operated by the Amiens Chamber of Commerce was opened. Some of the students come directly from High School and graduate after 5 years while others, who follow the traditional path to the "Grandes écoles", come from a preparatory classes and graduate in 3 years.

, named [http://centaur.sstl.co.uk/SSHP/data/data_sara.html SARA] , in 1991, as part of extracurricular work in "ESIEESpace", a student club. During the last 2 years, students in Paris choose a specialization among the following subjects:
* Electronics and microelectronics
* Computer science
* Signal processing and telecommunications
* Embedded systems
* Starting in September 2006, first-year students will be offered the possibility to follow a dual education in network engineering [http://www.esiee.fr/esiee/apprentissage.html] .

Approximately 80 of the 400 students in Amiens graduate every year. During the last 2 years, students in Amiens choose a specialization among the following subjects:
* Manufacturing systems
* Electronics
* Computer networks and telecommunications

ESIEE launched Master of Science programs in nano-science MEMS, Electronic Engineering and System on Chip, programs to which international students and 4rth and 5th year ESIEE students may participate. [http://www.studyrama.com/liste_formations.php3?id_rubrique=3097&diplome=Master+of+Science+System-on-Chip+Design%2C+en+collaboration+avec+l%92ESIEE+Paris] [http://forum.hardware.fr/hfr/EmploiEtudes/Etudes-Orientation/unique-groupe-amiens-sujet_9760_1.htm]

ister schools

The Paris school shares its building with two other schools;
* "Ecole Supérieure de Technologie Electronique" (ESTE) - There are discussions about closing this institution
* "Institut Supérieur de Technologie et Management" (ISTM)

Exchange Programs

Two main exchange programs are offered to the students whose grades are high enough. The first one, called "Tripartite" operates with the University of Karlsruhe, the University of Southampton, and the ICAI in the Pontifical Comillas University of Madrid. Under this program, students spend their last two years in two universities of their choice.

The second program, called "Entree" [http://www.esiee-amiens.fr/site_esiee/EN/studies/foreign_studies/entree_network.php] , allows students to transfer to 17 other European universities. Under this program, students spend the first semesters of the last 2 years in two universities of their choices.

Rankings / Classement

General ranking Performed by weekly magazine Le Point (Le Point - 17/02/2005 - N°1692) of the top French engineering schools (with admittance directly after high school/secondary school).----

1st INSA Lyon----

2nd UTT ----

3rd INSA Toulouse ----

4th UTC ----

5th ESIEE Paris----

Notable alumni

* Jean-Yves Bouguet
* Marcel Dassault (Breguet School)
* Jean-Luc Gaudiot
* Christian Joachim
* Yann LeCun
* Frédéric Lepied


* [http://www.aa-esiee.com/esiee/breguet.php History of the Breguet School]
* [http://www.aa-esiee.com/esiee/esieeparis.php History of ESIEE Paris]
* [http://www.aa-esiee.com/esiee/esieeamiens.php History of ESIEE Amiens]

External links

* [http://www.esiee.fr/en/index.php ESIEE Paris web site] (English)
* [http://www.esiee-amiens.fr/site_esiee/EN/ ESIEE Amiens web site] (English)
* [http://www.aa-esiee.com Alumni Association] (French)
* [http://www.esieespace.net/ ESIEESPACE web site] (French)

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