Space Legion

Space Legion

The Space Legion is a fictional military force which is part of the Interplanetary Alliance, a federation government of numerous planets in a series of books by Robert Asprin, called Phule's Company.

The Space Legion is conceptually based on the French Foreign Legion and seemed to be organized on a company basis which are then scattered throughout the Alliance on security duties.

The overall commander of the Space Legion is General Blitzkrieg.

The Space Legion is perpetually cash strapped and is a tightfisted organizationRobert Asprin, Phule's Company, Ace Books. ISBN 044166251X] .

The Alliance's military includes not only the Space Legion, but also the Regular Army and Starfleet. The Space Legion is considered the lowest on the totem pole, and is the laughingstock of the armed forces. Like the French Foreign Legion, Space Legion mandates all persons using a pseudonym chosen upon enlistment, however, commissions are purchased. It is a violation of Legion rules to release "another" Legion member's real name, but not to reveal one's own. Robert Asprin, Phule's Company, Ace Books. ISBN 044166251X]

Known Space Legion units:

Omega Company - The dumping ground for the Legion's foul ups and misfits and Captain Jester is its commander. Captain Jester's real name is Willard J. Phule, the super-rich heir apparent of Phule Proof Munitions. As his Legion name is "Jester," and he holds the rank of Captain, he is addressed as "Captain Jester," and occasionally and inappropriately as "Captain Phule" or "Captain Clown.". Applying his business sense to the running of the unit, he soon turns it around, winning the almost fanatical loyalty of his troops and turning the "Omega Mob", as it is affectionately nicknamed, into a crack unit. This does not please General Blitzkrieg, who expected Phule to sink from sight. ibid.] The general becomes the unit's main adversary. In each book, he contrives to send the unit on yet another 'impossible' assignment. They usually manage to come through unscathed.

Other members of Omega Company include Phule's butler Beeker, Top Sergeant Brandy, Tusk-anini, Super Gnat, Sushi and Do-Wop.

Uniforms and Equipment

The Space Legion issues and wears black uniforms with the daily service dress being black overalls. Black was selected more to disguise the origin of its uniforms than as a practical color. Officers may purchase tailored overalls.


* "Phule's Company" (1990)
* "Phule's Paradise" (1992)
* "A Phule and His Money" (1999) with Peter J. Heck
* "Phule Me Twice" (2000) with Peter J. Heck
* "No Phule Like an Old Phule" (2004) with Peter J. Heck
* "Phule's Errand" (2006) with Peter J. Heck

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