HMS Erebus (1807)

HMS Erebus (1807)

HMS "Erebus" was a Royal Navy rocket vessel built in 1807, converted to an 18-gun sloop in 1808, to a fire ship in 1809, and to a 24-gun sixth-rate in 1810. She was sold in 1819.

Under the command of David Ewen Bartholomew, "Erebus" was one of the ships involved in the bombardment of Fort McHenry in the Battle of Baltimore during the War of 1812. It was this ship which provided the "rockets' red glare" described by Francis Scott Key in The Star-Spangled Banner.

The "Erebus" was equipped with a 32-pound rocket battery installed below the main deck, which fired through portholes or scuttles pierced in the ship's side.

This ship is not to be confused with the second "Erebus" which was used as a polar exploration ship.


* [ Naval History of Great Britain, Volume VI]
* [ British Rockets at Fort McHenry]

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