Barocco sempre giovane

Barocco sempre giovane

Barocco sempre giovane is Czech chamber orchestra/ensemble.

About ensemble

Barocco sempre giovane (English: Baroque Still Young) is a chamber ensemble consisting of top young professional musicians. It was founded in 2004 by a violoncellist Josef Krečmer. This - nowadays renowned - chamber ensemble has already performed many significant concerts; it makes CD recordings, performs in television and cooperates regularly with Czech Radio.

The young performers focus primarily on the music of the European baroque and classical masters, as well as the contemporary music. Each member of this ensemble is not only a chamber musician but also a soloist performer of one of the many instrumental concertos which the repertory of the ensemble includes.

Barocco sempre giovane cooperates with renowned soloists as well as with a number of outstanding young performers - mostly the winners of significant international performing competitions.


* [ Antonio Vivaldi: Concerto in Re minore 1]
* [ Antonio Vivaldi: Concerto 2]
* [ Antonio Vivaldi, Pietro Locatelli and Johann Sebastian Bach]
* Recordings for Czech Radio 3 Vltava
* CD with Vaclav Hudecek - violin

External links

* [] about Barocco sempre giovane
* [ Official websites]
* []
* [ Artistic leader of Barocco sempre giovane]

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