- Non-Borel set
mathematics , a non-Borel set is a set that cannot be obtained from "simple" sets by taking complements and at most countable unions and intersections. (For the definition seeBorel_set .) Only sets of real numbers are considered in this article. Accordingly, by "simple" sets one may mean just intervals. All Borel sets aremeasurable , moreover,universally measurable ; however, some universally measurable sets are not Borel.An example of a non-Borel set, due to Lusin, is described below. In contrast, an example of a non-measurable set cannot be given (rather, its existence can be proved), see
non-measurable set .The example
irrational number has a unique representation by acontinued fraction :x = a_0 + cfrac{1}{a_1 + cfrac{1}{a_2 + cfrac{1}{a_3 + cfrac{1}{ddots, where a_0, is someinteger and all the other numbers a_k, are "positive" integers. Let A, be the set of all irrational numbers that correspond to sequences a_0,a_1,dots), with the following property: there exists an infinitesubsequence a_{k_0},a_{k_1},dots), such that each element is adivisor of the next element. This set A, is not Borel. (In fact, it is analytic, and complete in the class of analytic sets.) For more details seedescriptive set theory and the book by Kechris, especially Exercise (27.2) on page 209, Definition (22.9) on page 169, and Exercise (3.4)(ii) on page 14.References
*A. S. Kechris, "Classical Descriptive Set Theory", Springer-Verlag,
1995 (Graduate texts in Math., vol. 156).
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