Frederick W. Lanchester Prize

Frederick W. Lanchester Prize

The Frederick W. Lanchester Prize is an Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences prize (US$5,000 cash prize and medallion) given for the best contribution to operations research and the management sciences published in English.

Past winners

* 1954 Leslie C. Edie
* 1955 Georges Brigham
* 1956 Richard E. Zimmerman
* 1957 M. Allais, Thomas and Deemer
* 1959 Robert E. Chandler, Robert Herman, Elliott W. Montroll and A.M. Lee
* 1960 Herman F. Karreman
* 1961 E. Ventura
* 1962 R.M. Oliver and A.H. Samuel
* 1963 P.C. Gilmore and R.E. Gomory
* 1964 F.M. Scherer
* 1965 Michel Balinski and Rufus Isaacs
* 1966 Stafford Beer
* 1967 Douglass J. Wilde and Charles S. Beightler
* 1968 Fiacco, McCormick and Morse
* 1969 Harvey M. Wagner
* 1971 E.E. David, J.G. Truxal and E.J. Piel
* 1972 Richard C. Larson
* 1974 Peter Kolesar and Warren E. Walker
* 1976 Ralph Keeney, Howard Raiffa and Leonard Kleinrock
* 1977 Karp, Cornuejols, Fisher and Nemhauser
* 1979 Michael R. Garey and David S. Johnson
* 1980 David M. Eddy
* 1981 David Hopkins and William Massy
* 1982 Kari-Heinz Borgwardt
* 1983 Marin Shubik, Ellis Johnson, Manfred Padberg and Harlan Crowder
* 1984 Narendra Karmarkar and Robert Tarjan
* 1985 Michael Maltz
* 1986 Alexander Schrijver and Peter Whittle
* 1988 Robin Roundy
* 1989 Jean Warland, George L. Nemhauser and Laurence A. Wolsey
* 1990 Alvin E. Roth and Mari Ida Sotomayor
* 1991 Frank P. Kelly
* 1992 Masakazu Kojima, Nimrod Megiddo, Shinji Mizuno, Toshihit Noma and Akiko Yoshise
* 1993 Thomas L. Magnanti, James B. Orlin and Ravidera K. Ahuja
* 1994 Edward Kaplan, Richard Cottle, Jong-Shi Pang and Richard Stone
* 1995 Robert J. Aumann, Michael B. Maschler and Martin L. Puterman
* 1996 George Fishman
* 1997 R. Tyrrell Rockafellar and Roger JB Wets
* 2000 Olvi Mangasarian
* 2001 J. Michael Harrison
* 2003 Nicholas Vieille and Ward Whitt
* 2004 Alexander Schrijver
* 2005 Kalyan T. Talluri and Garrett J. van Ryzin
* 2006 Paul Glasserman
* 2007 David L. Applegate, Robert E. Bixby, Vašek Chvátal, and William J. Cook

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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