

Virtugraphy is the photorealistic integration of a computer-generated object into a real photographed environment.

The becoming of a virtugraphy

The first step of developing a virtugraphy hardly differs from a conventional photo shooting: First you have to take a real picture of the background („backplate“), for which the photographer has to actually be on location. Unlike at a conventional shooting the object that takes center stage in the final picture is not on location itself. Only in a second step a computer-generated 3D image of it is being included into the conventional photography.

The main difficulty: Consistent lighting conditions

In order to make the virtugraphy look real it is necessary that the virtual lighting conditions match with those in the background. A 360-degree High Dynamic Range Image (HDRI) shot on location helps with the translation of the real lighting conditions onto the virtual object. 3D software uses the information of these HDRIs for the lighting (Image Based Lighting). The most exact computer-simulation of materials (e.g. car paint, chrome etc.) is important for a realistic impression of the virtugraphy. In some cases the measurement of the light-reflectance-factor of paint or other materials helps to achieve a realistic lighting in the virtugraphy. The resulting Bidirectional Reflectance Distribution Function (BRDF) is used for the generation of most realistic (virtual) material. Just like in conventional photography the final picture needs to be adjusted manually.

Commercial virtugraphy

A lot of advertising campaigns are based on the technique of virtugraphy. Especially the automobile industry uses the combination of photographs and computer-generated cars to create impressive advertising impact (e.g. Mercedes-Benz, Toyota).


Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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