- The Pink Quarterback
The Pink Quarterback is the 44th episode of the original "Pink Panther Shorts" created by
David DePatie andFriz Freleng .The story is about the Pink Panther finding a 25c coin on the road.
The episode starts with the Pink Panther walking on the street, when he sees a 25 cent coin roll toward him. He picks it up and goes to buy a hotdog, when he changes his mind and goes to buy a burger. Confused between the two, he decides to toss the coin and see. The coin falls and rolls away. After many attempts, including climbing 40 floors of a building, and picking up the coin in a bank, and fighting with a beggar, the coin lands on wet cement and starts becoming bigger and bigger as it rolls downhill. The Panther then quickly orders a hotdog, and lets the cemented coin crash into the vendor's outlet.
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.