List of Butterflies of North America (Pieridae)

List of Butterflies of North America (Pieridae)

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Whites and Sulphurs are small to medium sized butterflies. Their wingspans range from 0.8-4.0 inches (2-10.2 cm). There are about 1,000 specis worldwide with about 61 species in North America. Most Whites and Sulphurs are white, yellow, and orange with some black, and some may be various shades of gray-green. Their flight is mostly slow and fluttering, but some of the larger species have quicker flights. Both males and females like to feed at flowers, while males also like to puddle on damp ground. Male Whites and Sulphurs locate females by patrolling. The eggs are spindle-shaped and laid singly. Most of the long-slender larva are green or yellow. The chrysalis is usually triangular or cone-headed. It hangs up right supported by a silken loop around the middle. The overwintering varies with species. It may be larva, chrysalis, or adult.

ubfamily Pierinae: Whites

* Cabbage White, "Pieris rapae"

* Mustard White, "Pieris napi"

* West Virginia White, "Pieris virginiensis"

* Checkered White, "Pontia protodice"

* Western White, "Pontia occidentalis"

* Becker's White, "Pontia beckerii"

* Spring White, "Pontia sisymbrii"

* Pine White, "Neophasia menapia"

* Chiricahua White, "Neophasia terlootii"

* Mexican Dartwhite, "Catasticta nimbice"

* Great Southern White, "Ascia monuste"

* Florida White, "Appias drusilla"

* Giant White, "Ganyra josephina"

* Howarth's White, "Ganyra howarthi"

* Large Marble, "Euchloe ausonides"

* Pearly Marble, "Euchloe hyantis"

* Northern Marble, "Euchloe creusa"

* Green Marble, "Euchloe naina"

* Sonoran Marble, "Euchloe guaymasensis"

* Falcate Orangetip, "Anthocharis midea"

* Olympia Marble, "Euchloe olympia"

* Gray Marble, "Anthocharis lanceolata"

* Sara Orangetip, "Anthocharis sara"

* Desert Orangetip, "Anthocharis cethura"

ubfamily Coliadinae: Sulphurs

* Clouded Sulphur, "Colias philodice"

* Orange Sulphur, "Colias eurytheme"

* Harford's Sulphur, "Colias harfordii"

* Pink-edged Sulphur, "Colias interior"

* Pelidne Sulphur, "Colias pelidne"

* Queen Alexandra's Sulphur, "Colias alexandra"

* Christina's Sulphur, "Colias christina"

* Western Sulphur, "Colias occidentalis"

* Giant Sulphur, "Colias gigantea"

* Scudder's Sulphur, "Colias scudderi"

* Palaeno Sulphur, "Colias palaeno"

* Labrador Sulphur, "Colias nastes"

* Sierra Sulphur, "Colias behrii"

* Mead's Sulphur, "Colias meadii"

* Canadian Sulphur, "Colias canadensis"

* Hecla Sulphur, "Colias hecla"

* Booth's Sulphur, "Colias tyche"

* Johansen's ("Coppermine") Sulphur, "Colias johanseni"

* Southern Dogface, "Colias cesonia"

* California Dogface, "Colias eurydice"

* Sleepy Orange, "Eurema nicippe"

* Tailed Orange, "Eurema proterpia"

* Dainty Sulphur, "Nathalis iole"

* Little Yellow, "Eurema lisa"

* Mimosa Yellow, "Eurema nise"

* Barred Yellow, "Eurema daira"

* Mexican Yellow, "Eurema mexicana"

* Boisduval's Yellow, "Eurema boisduvaliana"

* Dina Yellow, "Eurema dina"

* Salome Yellow, "Eurema salome"

* Cloudless Sulphur, "Phoebis sennae"

* Large Orange Sulphur, "Phoebis agarithe"

* Orange-barred Sulphur, "Phoebis philea"

* Lyside Sulphur, "Kricogonia lyside"

* Statira Sulphur, "Phoebis statira"

* White Angled-Sulphur, "Anteos clorinde"

* Yellow Angled-Sulphur, "Anteos maerula"


*Jim P. Brock, Kenn Kaufman (2003). "Butterflies of North America." Boston: Houghton Mifflin. ISBN 0-618-15312-8.

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