List of Westphalian Wilhelms-University Münster people

List of Westphalian Wilhelms-University Münster people

This list contains some of the most notable students, scientists, lecturer and honorary doctors of the University of Münster (Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster).


*Johannes Georg Bednorz, Nobel Prize winner (1987)
*Wolfgang Clement, Politician
*Andreas Raymond Dombret, Münster School of Business Administration and Economics, Vice-Chairman Europe Bank of America, Director Germany, Austria, Swiss
*Prof. Dr. Gerd Faltings, Mathematician, Fields Medal
*Prof. Dr. Dieter Fenske, Chemist
*Birgit Fischer, Politician
*Kai Diekmann, Chief Editor of "Bild", Europe's largest newspaper (3.5 million copies)
*Dr. August Hanning, President of the Bundesnachrichtendienst
*Dr. Dr. Gustav Heinemann, Politician, former President of Germany
*Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. mult. Friedrich Hirzebruch, Mathematician
*Jens Lehmann, footballer (goal keeper) of the German Football Team
*Ursula von der Leyen, Doctor, Politician in the Deutsche Bundestag
*Niklas Luhmann, Sociologist
*Frank Mattern, Münster School of Business Administration and Economics, Director Germany McKinsey
*Dr. Thomas Middelhoff, Board of Directors Bertelsmann
*Prof. Dr. Georg Milbradt, Minister-President of Saxony
*Walter Momper, Politician
*Ruprecht Polenz, Politician
*Dr. Kurt Schumacher, Politician
*Dr. h.c. Rudolf Seiters, Politician
*Prof. Dr. Hans-Werner Sinn, student, President of the leading Institution for Economic Research (Instituts für Wirtschaftsforschung, IFO).
*Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Karl Stein, Mathematician
*Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c.mult. Hans Tietmeyer, Economist
*Klaus Töpfer, UNO-Commissar
*Ernst Tugendhat, Philosopher
*Prof. Dr. Karl Weierstrass, Mathematician
*Harald Weinrich, Classical Scholar
*Arthur Wieferich, Mathematician
*Heinrich August Winkler, Historian
*Dr. Klaus Zumwinkel, former Board of Directors Deutsche Post World Net

Scientists and lecturers

*Pope Benedict XVI: Prof. Dr. Dr. h. c. mult. Joseph Kardinal Ratzinger
*Prof. Dr. Wilhelm Ackermann, Mathematician
*Prof. Dr. Karl Barth, Theologian
*Prof. Dr. Hans Blumenberg, (1920-1996) Philosopher
*Prof. Dr. Joachim Cuntz, Mathematician, Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Prize
*Prof. Dr. Max Dehn, (1878-1952) Mathematician
*Prof. Dr. Christopher Deninger, Mathematician, Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Prize
*Prof. Dr. Gerhard Domagk, Nobel Prize in Medicine (1939)
*Prof. Dr. Heinz Gollwitzer, (1917-1999) Historian
*Prof. Dr. Bernhard Großfeld, International Business Law
*Prof. Dr. Klaus Hildebrand, Historian
*Prof. Dr. Wilhelm Killing, (1847-1923) Mathematician
*Prof. Dr. Alfred Müller-Armack (1901-1978), Economist, Inventor of the Social Market Economy
*Prof. Dr. Paul Kirchhof, Jurist
*Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Lück, Mathematician, Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Prize
*Prof. Dr. Dr. Johann Baptist Metz, Theologian
*Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Metzger, Psychologist
*Prof. Dr. Klaus Mezger, geochemistry, Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Prize
*Prof. Dr. Friedrich Münzer, Classical Scholar
*Prof. Dr. Josef Pieper (1904-1997), Philosopher
*Prof. Dr. Karl Rahner (1904-1984), Theologian
*Prof. Dr. Bernhard Rensch (1900-1990), Biologist
*Prof. Dr. Helmut Schelsky (1912-1984), Sociologist
*Prof. Dr. Song Du-yul, Philosopher, former prisoner under South Korea's National Security Act
*Prof. Dr. Dieter Stöffler, planetology, Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Prize
*Prof. Dr. Barbara Stollberg-Rilinger, History of early modern Europe, Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Prize
*Prof. Dr. Dietmar Vestweber, cellular biology/biochemistry, Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Prize
*Prof. Dr. Hans Wehr (1909-1981), Islam Scientist and Author of the leading Arabian-English dictionary (also used for Wikipedia guidelines).
*Prof. Dr. Hubert Wolf, history of Christianity/Catholic theology, Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Prize

Honorary Doctors

*Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Jan Assmann (D. theol. h.c. Faculty of Proestant Theology (1998))
*Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Arnold L. Demain, Biotechnology (2003 Department of Biology, Faculty of Natural Science and Mathematics)
*Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Ernst-Wolfgang Böckenförde, Judge, Bundesverfassungsgericht (2001 Faculty of Law)
*Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. David A. O. Edward, Judge (2001 Faculty of Law)
*Prof. Dr. h.c. Gilberto Freyre Ph. D.
*Dr. h.c. Mikhail Gorbachev
*Dr. h.c. Manfred Gotthardt (2003 Faculty of Health Science (Medicine))
*Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Tomas Hammar, Political Scientist (2002 Faculty of Philosophie)
*Dr. h.c. Wim Kok, Prime Minister (Netherlands) (2003 Faculty of Philosophie)
*Dr. h.c. Hanna-Renate Laurien, Theologian (1996 Faculty of Catholic Theology)
*Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Robert Leicht, Reporter (2003 Faculty of Protestant Theology)
*Dr. h.c. Reinhard Mohn, Director Bertelsmann (2001 Faculty of Economics (Münster School of Business Administration and Economics))
*Dr. h.c. Rupert Neudeck
*Dr. h.c. Jean-Claude Juncker, Prime Minister (Luxembourg)
*Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Hubert Schmidbaur, Chemist (2005 Department of Chemistry and Pharmacy, Faculty of Natural Science and Mathematics)
*Dr. h.c. Erich Schumann, Jurist (2002 Faculty of Law)
*Dr. h.c. Wolfgang Thierse, Politician
*Dr. h.c. Tenzin Gyatso, 14th Dalai Lama (2007 Faculty of Chemistry and Pharmacy)

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