Summi Maeroris

Summi Maeroris

Summi Maeroris is one of several peace encyclicals of Pope Pius XII focusing in particular on the dangers to peace during the Holy Year . It was given at Rome, at St. Peter's July 19, 1950, the twelfth of his Pontificate.

The Pope portrays a mixed picture of his time. On one hand there are millions of people who come to Rome as pilgrims from all nations of the world. They are giving testimony of oneness in faith, of brotherly unity, of an piety. On the other hand, the present social conditions of the people give reason for high anxiety and concern. The call for hate and class-warfare is not going to solve any problems. [Summi Maeroris 3] They need to be tackled not with violence but by the law of justice. In addition, the spector of another war is looming.
* "Whatever the genius of man has produced that is beautiful and good and holy, all of this can be practically annihilated". [Summi Maeroris 6]

Real peace is only possible on the basis of Christian principles: Such principles and norms, in fact, recall men to truth, justice and charity; they put a restraint on their unruly desires; they force the senses to be obedient to reason; they move the reason to obey God; they produce this effect, "that all men, even those who are rulers of the peoples, may recognize the freedom that is due to religion, which, beyond its primary purpose of leading souls to eternal salvation, has also another, of safeguarding and protecting the very foundations of the State." [Summi Maeroris 9]

But, referring to Eastern Europe and China, without mentioning these countries, the Pope continues, in some parts of the world, these principles are trampled upon and the rights of the Church are violated. They forbid her ministers the free exercise of religious worship. They even condemn them to exile and to prison. They impede or directly proscribe and destroy schools and institutes of education which are conducted according to Christian norms and principles. [Summi Maeroris 9] There was always persecution and armed violence against the Church. [Summi Maeroris 12.] The Church desires to win over peoples and to educate them to virtue and right social living, not by means of arms but with the truth. [Summi Maeroris 12.]



* [ The encyclical Summi Maeroris on the Vatican Website]

* [ The encyclical Redemptoris Nostri Cruciatus on the Vatican Website]

* [ The encyclical In Multiplicibus Curis on the Vatican Website]

* [ The encyclical Auspicia Quaedam on the Vatican Website]

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