Jack (Tekken)

Jack (Tekken)

General CVG character

caption= The first version of Jack, as seen in the first Tekken.
series="Tekken" series
firstgame="Tekken" (Jack and Prototype Jack)
"Tekken 2" (Jack-2)
"Tekken 3" (Gun Jack)
"Tekken 5" (Jack-5)
"Tekken 6" (Jack-6)
inuniverse=Tekken character
fighting style=Sheer force,Brute Strength
country=flagicon|Russia Russia
age=3 ("Jack")
5 ("Jack-2")
5 (T1) / 7 (T2 and TTT) ("Prototype Jack")
7 ("Gun Jack")
0 ("Jack-5")
Unknown ("Jack-6")
height=7' 3" (220 cm)
weight=600 lbs (272 kg)
blood type=Plutonium
occupation=Weapon of destruction

Jack is the name given to several fictional androids in the "Tekken" fighting game series. The Jacks have traditionally shared a number of their moves with Kuma/Panda and Ganryu; however, in Tekken 5, Namco made a pronounced effort to differentiate all the shared moves between characters. The fighters still have a few similar moves, but their executions are completely different.


The Jacks are robotic fighting machines that have taken part in every Tekken tournament (with the exception of the fourth tournament). Never has one model competed in more than one canonical competition or for the same purpose (with the exception of Prototype Jack, who was in both "Tekken 1" and "Tekken 2"). A newer model takes its place. The Jack series has been through a number of different incarnations:


Jack was the original version created by the former Soviet Union. He was sent into the first tournament to help return Russia into a communist state.

Jack's "Tekken" story, taken from the console version's booklet:

A super slaughtering military machine and super killing robot developed by the former Soviet Union. The Russian military got wind of Kazuya's world coup d'état plans right away and sent Jack to the tournament to get rid of him. Nothing but a robot could boast of his violent attacks and stupendous power. His ending is that his chip gets modified and an army of Jacks wake up near him and the door closes.


Jack-2 is an upgraded model of Jack with an artificial intelligence chip built in to allow learning. After rescuing an eight-year-old girl named Jane from a battlefield, Jack-2 felt obligated to become more human to care for the little girl. Therefore, he sought out Doctor Boskonovitch, who was kidnapped by the Mishima Zaibatsu. Jack-2 hoped Boskonovitch could make him more human. Dr. Boskonovitch was pleased to see his robot and upgraded him before his rescue by Yoshimitsu. After the upgrade, Jack-2 took Jane to a secret island for them to be together. Unfortunately, in Jack-2's Tekken 2 ending, Jack-2 was destroyed by Dr. Abel via satellite while Jane, playing nearby, had her back turned. He returns in the non-canon Tekken Tag Tournament.

Prototype Jack

A prototype of Jack was created to combat both Jack and Jack-2. It was seemingly destroyed by Jack-2 in the second tournament. Prototype Jack is the only Jack model who doesn't have plutonium blood (his is gasoline). Prototype Jack is also the only Jack robot that has competed in more than one tournament in the "Tekken" universe, despite of the fact that he has a large difference between his Tekken and Tekken 2 appearance. He also appears in the non-canon Tekken Tag Tournament game.

Gun Jack

Jane, still haunted by memories of Jack-2's fate nineteen years later, works on a way to restore Jack-2. She learns that most of the technology responsible for Jack-2's A.I. was created by Mishima Heavy Industries, a subsidiary of the Mishima Zaibatsu. She also finds the ground work for something called "Project Gun Jack", an upgraded Jack with the addition of a pivot gun. Jane snuck into Mishima Heavy Industries and secretly installed a hidden program. Dr. Abel tried to destroy this version of Jack by firing an electromagnetic burst from a satellite, but he ultimately failed due to Gun Jack's energy shield protecting himself and Jane. [Gun Jack's alternate "Tekken 3" ending.]

At the third tournament's conclusion, Heihachi Mishima's Tekken Force attacked Jane. She was rescued by Gun Jack, who was destroyed by the onslaught of gunfire. Jane escaped with the help of G Corporation. He returns in the non-canon Tekken Tag Tournament game.


Never competed in a tournament, but was mass-produced by G Corporation, thanks to Jane's research. These versions of Jack attacked Kazuya Mishima and Heihachi Mishima at Hon Maru and self-destructed, almost killing Heihachi, as shown in the opening "Tekken 5" video. They also make appearances as a few of the enemies in "Tekken 5"'s "Devil Within" mini-game, here it is revealed that Jack 4's were produced in both male and female units, the female units are smaller and rely more on speed and technique, rather than all out brute force displayed by all male Jacks. This particular model has an in-built self destruct system with the timer revealing itself after the face peels away. [ [http://www.tekkenzaibatsu.com/gallery/viewer.php?gid=t5intro&pid=3 Tekken 5 introduction movie] ]


Jane created him as an upgrade of Jack-4 and used the fifth tournament as a means of testing Jack-5. Returning to have his emotion program installed, Jane downloads Gun Jack's memories into him, but the results cause him to go berserk, ripping free and trashing the lab. As he brings down his arms in a crushing blow on Jane, the memories re-assert themselves and Jack stops, looking over his body in confusion. Jane goes to him and he picks her up in his arms gently, his original personality fully restored.


Jane successfully restored Jack-5's memory at the completion of the 5th King of Iron Fist Tournament. It was not long until the Mishima Zaibatsu decided to make their own Jack model, which has been built with 10 times the power of Jack 5. The new G-Corporation leader Kazuya Mishima also demanded a new Jack model eventually creating Jack-6. They decided to test Jack 6 in the King of Iron Fist Tournament 6 to destroy the Mishima Zaibatsu.

Fighting Style

Sharing a lot of moves with Kuma and Ganryu, Jack employs numerous slow but heavy blows using his arms. These attacks sometimes show his arms being utilized as drills, guns, and jackhammers. He has few kick attacks, mainly using his legs for powerful stomp attacks on grounded opponents.


ee also

*Doctor Abel

External links

* [http://www.tekkenzaibatsu.com/tekken5/movelist.php?id=jack5 Jack-5 - Tekken 5 - Moves List.]

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