- James Kemnal
Sir James Herman Rosenthal Kemnal FRSE (
16 August 1864 –8 February 1927 ), born James Hermann Rosenthal (he changed his name in 1915), was an Englishengineer and industrialist.Kemnal was born in
London to a naturalised British father, who was a dealer in china and glass, and a Scottish mother. He was educated at theUniversity of Cologne and undertook anapprenticeship at the engineering works of theBelgian State Railways before joining the Anderston Foundry Co Ltd ofGlasgow .In about 1883 Kemnal joined the American
boiler manufacturersBabcock & Wilcox and was soon running their London office. In 1891 a completely independent British branch of Babcock & Wilcox was founded and Kemnal becamemanaging director , a post he held for the rest of his life. The company expanded rapidly and opened branches inFrance ,Germany ,Poland ,Italy andJapan .He was knighted in the 1920 New Year Honours for his services to munitions production during the
First World War . [LondonGazette |issue=31712 |date=30 December 1919 |startpage=3 |supp=yes]Footnotes
*Biography, "
Oxford Dictionary of National Biography "
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