Ba Takat Bridge

Ba Takat Bridge

The Ba Takat Bridge can be found 28 miles to the west of Colombo, Sri Lanka. The specific area is called Karawanella.

The Bridge was built in the year 500b.C. by the lost tribe of Nittevo. It is the site of many supernatural events: the disappearance of children and elders, creaking noises when there is no one standing on the bridge and even violent shaking of the woods which constitute the bridge. The land around the bridge seems to cause people to become violent and uncontrolled which makes the area very dangerous.


Before the construction and present

The area was a sacred sacrificial ground. There were seven altars in the location, three on each side of the small gorge and one inside the gorge, now exactly under the bridge.

These altars were plundered of riches and destroyed by unknown foreigners. Ever since then the nearby land has been in turmoil and chaos. Violence breaks loose daily in the area 10 miles around the altar. It is not heard of by the rest of the world because not many survive and not many people inhabit the area.


Thousands of years ago, though it is unknown how, the Nittevo tribe learned of the goddess Bia, the personification of violence, and began adoring her, hoping they would gain her favor. After many years of sacrifices in the Seven Altars they had won her favor. The Goddess was the type of deity they did not want as an enemy, but rather an ally. The tribe had her favor for 598 years until the altars were destroyed and the sacrifices could not take place.

According to legend “the last piece of stone from the altar broke in the Chief’s hand without him applying any pressure, it was a sign that their pact with Bia had been severed.” Now violence plagues the land and the people pay the price for not defending their Goddess’ honor.


The area has been set off-limits by the local government after the deaths of 47 locals throughout the last two years.



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