Toni Reis

Toni Reis

Toni Reis (born in 1964) is the president of the catholic homosexual organisation Grupo Dignidade, the general secretary of the national association of Gays, Lesbians and Transsexuals in Brasil (Associação Brasileira de Gays, Lésbicas e Transgêneros / ABGLT) of which he was a founding president in 1995, and a member of the international council of the Hirschfeld Eddy Foundation.He is a teacher and specialist in human sexuality and group dynamics. He possesses a Masters degree of philosophy in ethics and sexuality.

He is also the Latin American coordinator for ASICAL (Association for Integral Health and Citizenship in Latin America and the Caribbean).


In 1998 Toni Reis described the situation in his country: "1,600 homosexuals have been murdered in the last ten years, of these 350 transvestites and 61 lesbians." In 2006 he spoke before the Brazilian parliament [] , where he stated that 250 homosexuals per year are murdered in Brasil. In 2007 he addressed the United Nations, in order to receive councillor status for his organization []


In 2003, Toni Reis obtained a permanent residence permit for his life partner in a landmark court case for Brasil. []


External links

* [ (in German) Toni Reis' fight against bigotry ]

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