- La guerra gaucha (novel)
La Guerra Gaucha is the first book, outside of his published poems of the Argentine writer
Leopoldo Lugones (1874-1938) which he wrote in 1905. It is a book of stories about thegaucho guerrilla war they fought, commanded byMartín Miguel de Güemes , against the Spanishroyalist during the Argentine War of Independence, enbetween 1815 and 1825. It is written in the gauchoslang of the time and it is difficult to understand for anyone not versed in it. The strengtth of the epic nature of the stories made it a very successful boot. Basedo on this book, years later in 1941, it was adapted to the screen for the film "La Guerra Gaucha ", directed byLucas Demare , with a screenplay byUlyses Petit de Murat andHomero Manzi and with starringEnrique Muiño ,Francisco Petrone ,Ángel Magaña ,Sebastián Chiola andAmelia Bence , among others.Characteristics
To write the book, Lugones travelled to
Salta Province to see the actual places where the battles took place and to record the oral traditions of the locals. The book is therefore very descriptive, spending a ot of time in the descriptions of the nature and landscape of the area.tories
Some of the stories from "La Guerra Gaucha" are:
*"Juramento": moved by his love for a patriot widow, a young royalist officer deserts to align himself with the rebels.
*"Carga": describes a combat action where the gaucho guerrillas raid the Spanish camp using horses in a wild run with ther tails on fire.
*"Al rastro": one lone gaucho drives a horse cart full of gunpowder to make it explode against a royalist battalion, then fighting with the survivors until his death.
*"Dianas": A village priest, disguising himself as a royalist, rings the church bells to tell the patriots about the Spanish movements.
*"Alerta": A patriot weaver is raped by the Spaniards, and a messenger boy is murdered.
*"Sorpresa": About a gaucho militia captain who could read and write.
*"Un lazo": About a man that can "communicate" with horses and know their secrets.
*"Güemes": About Salta'scaudillo Martín Miguel de Güemes, commanding general of the gaucho militia.In Lugones' stories (different than later in the film), all the heroes are anonymous, trying to fortify the idea of a "people in arms".
Author's rights
Leopoldo Lugones died in 1938, which will make his work razón to remain as
public domain onJanuary 1 2009 (Article 5 of Argentine Law #11,723).External links
*es icon [http://www.ucm.es/BUCM/revistas/fll/02104547/articulos/ALHI7272110369A.PDF Nature and landscape in La Guerra Gaucha]
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.