Arifin Bey

Arifin Bey

Arifin Bey (born 1925) was born in Sumatra. He went to Japan as a scholarship student during the Pacific War, when Indonesia was under Japanese occupation, and found himself in Hiroshima in 1945, when the city was hit by an atomic bomb. In 1961, he completed his studies at Georgetown University, earning a Ph.D. in international political science. From 1961 to 1967 he was the editor of the "Indonesian Herald", an English-language daily. He was assigned as a councillor to the Indonesian Embassy in Tokyo in 1967, and subsequently moved to RADA, an Indonesian military-supported research organization, to report from Tokyo. He also taught at Tsukuba University and served as vice-chancellor of Bun Hatta University. He is the author of "The Indonesian Mind".Fact|date=August 2008


* (English)
* Bey, H. Arifin. (2003), "Beyond civilizational dialogue : a multicultural symbiosis in the service of world politics", Published by Paramadina in cooperation with The Japan Foundation, Jakarta
* (Indonesian)
* Arifin, Bey. & Roni, Abubakar Masyhur Jusuf, (1975), "Bey Arifin contra Jusuf Roni" [mukadimmah oleh] Umar Hubeis, Pustaka Progressif, Surabaya.

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