- Sheaf extension
Sheaf theory (a branch of the mathematics area ofalgebraic geometry ), a sheaf extension is a way of describing a sheaf in terms of a subsheaf and a quotient sheaf, analogous to a how agroup extension describes a group in terms of asubgroup , and aquotient group .Definition
Let "X" be a scheme, and let "F", "H" be sheaves (of modules) on "X". An extension of "H" by "F" is a
short exact sequence of sheaves: 0 ightarrow F ightarrow G ightarrow H ightarrow 0.
Note that an extension is not determined by the sheaf "G" alone: The morphisms are also important.
A simple example of an extension of "H" by "F" is the sequence
: 0 ightarrow F ightarrow F igoplus H ightarrow H ightarrow 0
where the second arrow is the inclusion and the second arrow is the projection onto the second summand. This extension is sometimes called trivial.
As with group extensions, if we fix "F" and "H", then all (equivalence classes of) possible extensions of "H" by "F" form an
abelian group . This group is isomorphic to the Ext group mathrm{Ext}^1(H,F), where the identity element in mathrm{Ext}^1(H,F) corresponds to the trivial extension.In the case where "H" is the
structure sheaf mathcal{O}_X , we have H^1(X, F) cong mathrm{Ext}^1(mathcal{O}_X,F) , so the group of extensions of mathcal{O}_X by "F" is also isomorphic to the firstsheaf cohomology group with coefficients in "F".Generalization
The definition of an extension and the correspondence between extensions and Ext groups can be generalized to abelian categories, of which groups and sheaves of modules are special instances.
See also
Ext functor References
* | year=1977, in the algebraic-geometric setting, i.e. referring to the
Zariski topology
* | year=1994
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