

Cunnla is a deep-rooted Irish folksong, it was initially written in the Gaelic language.


Cunnla was believed to be written sometime in the 14th century and was introduced as a type of lullaby or baby tickling song. The writer of the song is unknown and is normally sung in Sean-nós. This is a unique style of unaccompanied singing in the Irish language. The song has been sung by many artist throughout the years but one of the most notable was sang by Joe Heaney on the album The Road from Connemara released on October, 31st, 2000. [) "sean-nos". Retrieved on 2008-08-14.]

English Versions

There are various English versions translated from the old Gaelic language here are the two most acceptable and sang versions.

.Version #1O Who Is That Out There Knocking the Ditches DownO Who Is That Out There Knocking the Ditches DownO Who Is That Out There Knocking the Ditches DownNobody, Only Cunnla

Cunnla Dear, Don't Come Any Nearer MeCunnla Dear, Don't Come Any Nearer MeCunnla Dear, Don't Come Any Nearer MeMaybe I Shouldn't, Says Cunnla

Who Is That Down There Tapping the WindowpaneNobody, Only Cunnla

Who Is That Down There Raking the Fire For Me Nobody, Only Cunnla

Who Is That Down There Tickling the Toes Off MeNobody, Only Cunnla

Who Is That Down There Pulling the Blanket OffNobody, Only Cunnla.

[ [ "cunnla"] . Retrieved on 2008-08-14.]

"'Version #2"Cúnnla dear don't come any nearer to me! Surely I will!" says Cúnnla.Who is that down there knocking down the (stone) walls?Me, myself" says Cúnnla.Who is that down there knocking the window?Me, myself" says Cúnnla.Who is that down there fanning the fire for me?Me, myself" says Cúnnla.Who is that down there putting water into the kettle for me?Me, myself" says Cúnnla.Who is that down there pulling the blanket off me?"Me, myself" says Cúnnla.Who is that down there tiddling the soles of my feet?Me, myself" says Cúnnla.Who is that down there knocking the (stone) walls?"Me, myself" says Cúnnla. [ [ "cunnla"] . "The Guardian". Retrieved on 2008-08-14.]

Gaelic Version

Cé hé siúd thíos 'tá ag leagadh na gclaíochaí?Mise mé féin" a deir Cúnnla.Curfá A Chúnnla a chroí ná tar níos goire dhom!Go deimhin muise tiocfaidh! a deir Cúnnla.Cé hé siúd thíos 'tá ag buaileadh na fuinneoige?Mise mé féin" a deir Cúnnla.Cé hé siúd thíos 'tá ag fadú na tine dhom?Mise mé féin" a deir Cúnnla.Cé hé siúd thíos 'tá a' cur uisce sa gciteal dhom?Mise mé féin" a deir Cúnnla.Cé hé siúd thíos 'tá ag tarraingt na pluide dhíom?Mise mé féin" a deir Cúnnla.Cé hé siúd thíos 'tá ag tochas mo bhonnachaí?Mise mé féin" a deir Cúnnla. [ [ "cunnla"] . Retrieved on 2008-08-14.]

See Also

*Celtic Music
*Music of Ireland
*Folk music of Ireland



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