- Hugo Obermaier
Hugo Obermaier (b. 29 January 1877,
Regensburg ; d. 12 November 1946,Fribourg ,Switzerland ) was a distinguishedprehistorian andanthropologist who taught at various European centres of learning. He is particularly associated with his work on the diffusion of mankind inEurope during theIce Age , and in connection with north Spanishcave art , and resisted placing his science at the disposal ofnationalistic andracialist interests in the Germany of the 1930s. [This article is translated from the German Wikipedia, August 2008. The principal source is the biography by the Hugo Obermaier Society for Palaolithic Research, indicated among the external links]Career
Hugo Obermaier spent his childhood and the early part of his student years in
Regensburg . In 1900 he was ordained as alay priest and between 1901 and 1904 he studied inVienna the subjects ofPrehistoric archaeology ,physical geography ,geology ,palaeontology ,ethnology , Germanphilology and human anatomy. Among his teachers at this time the most important wereAlbrecht Penck ,Josef Szombathy andMoritz Hoernes . In 1904 he gained a doctorate with a dissertation on "The Diffusion of Humankind during the Ice Age in Middle Europe". Only four years later he qualified as a lecturer and in 1909, despite opposition from Albrecht Penck, his former teacher, he became an unsalaried university lecturer in Vienna. In 1911 he took up a professorial post at the newly-foundedInstitute of Human Palaeontology inParis , which he held until the outbreak of theFirst World War . In that period he was working with Wernert andHenri Breuil at the caves ofEl Castillo and theCueva de La Pasiega in Cantabria. While in Spain (1914) he he next decided to work at the National Museum of Natural Sciences inMadrid , but changing again in 1922 to a professorship at theComplutense University in Madrid. He dug at the cave ofAltamira in 1924-5, and collaborated with Breuil in their publication in 1935. His work withFrobenius included the study of the Neolithic rock engravings of south Oran in 1925.Scientific, personal and (certainly) political considerations were the cause for his refusal to go back to
Germany when, in 1933, he declined the invitation to take up theMax Ebert Chair inBerlin . After the outbreak of the civil war, in 1939 he left there to take up a Professorship in Fribourg inSwitzerland . Hugo Obermaier died after a long illness in the Theological hostel in Fribourg.Hugo Obermaier Society
The scientific contributions of H. Obermaier lay primarily in research into the
Old Stone Age , which he was one of the first to recognise as being a field for serious scientific research. In order to pay respect to his memory and equally to advance scientific investigations into thePalaeolithic , on 23 June 1951 archaeologists, geologists, palaeontologists and anthropologists formed a society led byLothar Zotz . In 1956 the name "Hugo Obermaier Society for Research into the Ice Age and the Stone Age" was adopted.Publications
(selected, arranged chronologically)
* (withFranz Xaver Kießling ) 'Das Plateaulehm-Paläolithikum des nordöstlichen Waldviertels von Niederösterreich' "Mitteilungen der Anthropologischen Gesellschaft in Wien" 41, 1911, p. 51ff.
* "Der Mensch der Vorzeit." (Allgemeine Verlags-GmbH Berlin, München & Wien) (no year - about 1912).
* (with Henri Breuil & H. Alcalde Del Río) "La Pasiega à Puente Viesgo," Ed. A. Chêne (Mónaco, 1913).
* (withLeo Frobenius ) "Hadschra Maktuba. Urzeitliche Felsbilder Kleinafrikas." Part 1 (of 6). (Kurt Wolff Pantheon-Verlag für Kunstwissenschaft Florenz, Pantheon und München, 1925).
* (withCarl Walter Heiss ) "Iberische Prunk-Keramik vom Elche-Archena-Typus." (1929)
* (withHerbert Kühn ), "Buschmannkunst. Felsmalereien aus Südafrika." Edited from the researches ofReinhard Maak . (Kurt Wolff Pantheon-Verlag für Kunstwissenschaft Florenz, Pantheon und München, 1930).
* (withJoseph Bernhart ) "Sinn der Geschichte. Eine Geschichtstheologie." (Herder, Freiburg i. Br. 1931).
* (withHenri Breuil ) "The Cave of Altamira at Santillana del Mar, Spain" (Madrid, 1935).
* "El Hombre fosil." (New Edition) (Colegio Universitario de Ediciones Istmo Madrid, 1985).Notes
External Links
* Larger biography (Principal source for this article) (in German) [http://www.uf.uni-erlangen.de/obermaier/whoishugo.html]
* The Hugo Obermaier Society, Home Page (in English) [http://www.uf.uni-erlangen.de/obermaier/obermaier-e.html]
* Literature of and about Hugo Obermaier in the Catalogue of the National Library of Germany. [http://dispatch.opac.d-nb.de/DB=4.1/REL?PPN=117077240]
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