

Scat may refer to:

Digestive waste

* Feces, a waste product produced in the digestive tract
* Coprophilia, a sexual fetish involving feces


* School and College Ability Test
* Somerset College of Arts and Technology, a community college in Somerset, England
* Shrewsbury College of Arts & Technology, a community college in Shropshire, England


* Thirty-one (game), a card game
* "", a video game


* Scat singing, a kind of vocal improvisation common in jazz
* Scat Records, a record label


* SCAT (airline), an airline based in Kazakhstan
* SCAT (automobile) an Italian automobile manufacturer
* Sarasota County Area Transit, a public transportation system in Florida
* South Coast Area Transit, a public transportation system in California
* Sydney Coordinated Adaptive Traffic System, a traffic system in Australia


* "Scatophagidae", a family of fishes
* South Pacific Combat Air Transport Command, a joint command of U.S. forces in World War II
* Scanning Acoustic Tomography, a research process using focused sound

ee also

* Skat (disambiguation)

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  • scat — scat …   Dictionnaire des rimes

  • scat — [ skat ] n. m. • 1934; scatchorus 1933; mot angl. amér., onomat. ♦ Anglic. Style vocal propre au jazz, qui consiste à chanter sur des syllabes arbitraires (et peu nombreuses) ou à déformer les syllabes d un texte chanté. ● scat nom masculin… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • scat — scat·o·log·i·cal; scat·o·phag·i·dae; scat·ter·able; scat·ter·ation; scat·tered·ly; scat·tered·ness; scat·ter·er; scat·ter·gram; scat·ter·graph; scat·ter·ling; scat·tery; scat·ty; scat·u·la; scat; scat·ter; scat·o·log·ic; scat·ter·ing·ly; …   English syllables

  • Scat — [skæt], der; , s [engl. amerik. scat, eigtl. = Knall (lautm.)] (Jazz): ↑ Gesang (1 a), bei dem (statt eines [Lied]textes) Silben gesungen werden, die keine Bedeutung haben. * * * Scat   [englisch/amerikanisch, skæt; von scatter = »zerstreuen,… …   Universal-Lexikon

  • SCAT — Air Company …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Scat — puede designar a: Scat, una improvisación vocal en el jazz. Scat Air, una aerolínea de Kazajistán. Sistema de Control de Área de Tránsito, que controla el tránsito de algunas ciudades chilenas. Coprofilia, fetichismo conocido también como scat.… …   Wikipedia Español

  • scat — s. n. Trimis de siveco, 10.08.2004. Sursa: Dicţionar ortografic  SCAT s.n. (Jaz) Stil vocal în care interpretul substituie textului melodiei silabe sau sunete onomatopeice, imitând improvizaţia instrumentală. [pron. schet. / < engl. scat].… …   Dicționar Român

  • Scat — Scat, 1) ein Kartenspiel, welches (wahrscheinlich in Altenburg entstanden) in Sachsen u. Thüringen sehr gebräuchlich ist. Es wird mit der deutschen Karte gespielt. Die Zahl der Spielenden beträgt drei; jeder bekommt 10 Karten (Blätter); das… …   Pierer's Universal-Lexikon

  • scat — (izg. skȅt) m DEFINICIJA glazb. pjevačke improvizacije u jazzu u kojima je tekst zamijenjen onomatopejama koje su ritmički i fonetski zanimljive SINTAGMA scat singing (izg. scat sìnging) glazb. u jazzu improvizirano pjevanje nepovezanih slogova… …   Hrvatski jezični portal

  • Scat — (sk[a^]t), interj. Go away; begone; away; chiefly used in driving off a cat. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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