Tsering Shakya

Tsering Shakya

Tsering Wangdu Shakya (b.) is a Tibetan historian and widely cited expert on Tibetan literature and modern Tibet and its relationship with China.


* Ph.D. (2004) Tibetan Studies. School of Oriental & African Studies (SOAS), University of London, Thesis: "The Emergence of Modern Tibetan Literature Since 1950"
* M.Phil. (2000) Tibetan Studies. SOAS, University of London. Thesis: "Dondrup Gyal and the Search for Tibetan Modernism: A Study of Dondrup Gyal’s Literary Works"
* B.A. Hons, (1981) Social Anthropology & South Asian History, SOAS, University of London



last = Shakya
first = Tsering W.
author-link =Tsering Shakya
last2 =Harris
first2 =Clare
author2-link =
title = Seeing Lhasa: British Depictions of the Tibetan Capital 1936-1947
place = London
publisher = Serindia
year = 2003
volume =
edition =
url =
doi =
id =
isbn =

last = Shakya
first = Tsering W.
author-link =Tsering Shakya
last2 =
first2 =
author2-link =
title = The Dragon in the Land of Snows: A History of Modern Tibet Since 1947
place = London
publisher = Pimlico
year = 1999
volume =
edition =
url =
doi =
id =
isbn =

last = Gyatso
first = Palden
author-link =
last2 =Shakya
first2 =Tsering W.
author2-link = Tsering Shakya
title = Fire Under the Snow: The Testimony of a Tibetan Prisoner (Palden Gyatso)
place = London
publisher = Harvill Press
year = 1998
volume =
edition =
url =
doi =
id =
isbn =


* (2002) "Blood in the Snows – Reply to Wang Lixiong" in New Left Review, No. 15, May/June 2002 pp: 39-60.

* (2001) "Language, Literature and Representation in Tibet" in Batt, Herbert J. (ed.) "Tales of Tibet: Sky Burials, Prayer Wheels, and Wind Horses". London: Rowman & Littlefield.

* (2001) "Who Are the Prisoners? Tibetan Buddhism and the West" in Journal of the American Academy of Religion (JAAR), Vol 69. No. 1. pp: 183-189.

* (2000) "Solving the Tibetan Problem", in Time Magazine (Asian Edition), July 17, 2000.

* (2000) "The Waterfall and Fragrant Flowers, Development of Modern Tibetan Literature". in Mãnoa, A Pacific Journal of International Writings, University of Hawaii, Vol. 12, No. 2. pp: 28-40.

* (1997) "Historical Introduction" in Barnett R. & Conner V. (eds) "Leaders in Tibet: A Directory", London: Tibet Information Network.

* (1996) "The Man Who Wasn't Allowed to Tell the Truth: The 7th Panchen Lama" in Dharamsala H.P.: Lungta, Winter 1996. pp: 24-30.

* (1996) "The Panchen Lama Controversy" in Tibetan Review, Vol. XXX, No. 8. pp:7-12.

* (1994) "The Development of Modern Tibetan Studies" and "Politicization & the Tibetan Language" in Barnett R. & Akiner S. (eds.) "Resistance and Reform in Tibet". London: Hurst & Co.

* (1994) "The Genesis of the 17-Point Agreement: The Genesis of the Sino-Tibetan Agreement of 1951"in Proceedings of the 6th International Conference of Tibetan Studies – Fegernes, Norway, Institute of Comparative Research in Human Culture, Oslo. pp:739-754.

* (1994) with Crook, J. "Monastic Economics in Zanskar" in Crook J. & Osmaston H. (eds.) "Buddhist Himalayan Village", University of Bristol.

* (1994) "Monastic Communities in Zanskar 1980: Location, Function and Organisation" in Crook J. & Osmaston H. (eds.) "Buddhist Himalayan Village", University of Bristol.

* (1993) "Whither the Tsampa Eaters?" in Himal, Vol. 6, No. 5, 1993. pp: 8-12.

* (1991) "Tibet and the Occident: The Myth of Shangri-la" in "Lungta", 1991. pp: 20-25.

* (1990) "1948 Trade Mission to United Kingdom - An Essay in Honour of Tsipon Shakabpa". in Tibet Journal, Vol. XV, No. 4, 1990. pp: 97-114.

* (1990) "Street Voices: Songs of Lhasa" in Tibet News, No. 3, June 1990. p.3.

* (1986) "The Making of the Great Game Players: Tibetan Students in England 1912-1916". in Tibetan Review, Vol. XXI, No 1. 1986. pp:12-17.

* (1983) "China's New Religious Policy" in Tibetan Review, Vol. XXVII, No. 11, 1983. pp:15-20.

* (1983) with Crook, J. "Six Families of Leh" in Kantowsky D. & Sanders R. (eds) "Recent Research on Ladakh", Schriftenreihe International Asienforum, Universitat Konstanz, 1983.

*(1982) "Tibetanization of Ladakh" in Tibetan Review, Vol. XX, No. 1, 1982. pp: 16-19.

External links

* [http://www.iar.ubc.ca/introduction/shakya.html Tsering Wangdu Shakya]
* [http://www.newleftreview.org/?view=2388 Blood in the Snows: Reply to Wang Lixiong]

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