- Cham calendar
The Cham calendar (Cham language: sakawi) is a lunar calendar used by the Cham people of Vietnam since ancient times.
Day Cham language: Haray Sunday Adit Monday Thôm Tuesday Angar Wednesday But Thursday jip Friday Suk Saturday Thanưchăn The length of the month: the full month has 30 days (Cham language: balan tapăk) and the hollow month has 29 days (Cham language: balan u).
Month Cham language: Balan January Balan tha February Balan dua March Balan Klau April Balan pak May Balan lima June Balan năm July Balan tajuh August Balan dalipăn September Balan tha lipăn October Balan thapluh November Balan puis December Balan mak Cham zodiac
Cham zodiac animal sign Cham language: anuk nuthăk Characteristic Rat Kuh 2 dragons look for food- 2 dragons go out- 2 dragons take water and make rain. February, March, October: sunny, dewy. Early June: rainy. September, November: rainfall is low. Creatures mutiply. Bumper crop of rice. Easy to be taken ill for people. Buffalo Kabao 2 dragons stay at home- 3 dragons take water and make rain. February, March: rainy. April: rainfall is low. June: dewy. July: rainfall is high. Bumper sedcondary crop. Epidemic disease of people and cattle. Tiger Rimong 1 dragon is ill- 6 dragons take water and make rain. January, February: sunny. March, April: rainy. July, August: early:sunny, lately: rainny. September: rainy. Bumper sedcondary crop. Several of little disturbances. Rabbit Tapai 4 dragons are ill- 2 dragons stay at home- 6 dragons take water and make rain. January, March, August: rainy. July: sunny. September: flood. Bumper crop of fruit. Epidemic disease. Dragon Inưgirai 8 dragons are ill- 2 dragons take water and make rain. Flood. Bumper of fruit and seafood. Insects harm crop. Epidemic disease, many people died. Disturbance. The court worries. Snake Ula neh 1 dragon is ill- 2 dragons stay at home- 6 dragons take water and make rain. Februare, August, November, December: little rain. April, June: much rain. Bumper sedcondary crop. Many cattle died. Horse Athêh 2 dragons stay at home- 2 dragons take water and make rain. January, February: rainy. July: sunny. Bumper crop of rice and sedcondary crop. Epidemic disease for people and cattle. Goat Pabê 2 dragons are ill- 2 dragons stay at home- 3 dragons take water and make rain. January: sunny. February, March, April, June: little rain. Lately July: much rain, strong wind. August, September: rats harm crop. October: rainy. Turtle Kra 2 dragons are ill- 2 dragons stay at home- 2 dragons take water and make rain. February: bumper of rice and sedcondary crop. March, April: worry, died. Chicken Mưnuk 4 dragons are ill- 2 dragon take water and make rain. February, April, June: little rain, poor crop. The weather is unusual. Hurricane. Worrying. Dog Athau 3 dragons are ill- 1 dragon stay at home- 3 dragons take water and make rain. January, February: rainy. Early July, August, September: rainy. Bumber sedcondary crop. Peaceful. Several of epidemic diseases. Pig Pabuai 5 dragons are ill- 2 dragons stay at home- 2 dragons take water and make rain. February: much rain. March, April, July, August: sunny. June: strong wind. September, October: flood. Trees are withered. Đisturbances. Categories:- Cham
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