Artemisia scoparia

Artemisia scoparia

name = Redstem Wormwood
regnum = Plantae
divisio = Magnoliophyta
classis = Magnoliopsida
ordo = Asterales
familia = Asteraceae
genus = "Artemisia"
species = "A. scoparia"
binomial = "Artemisia scoparia"

"Artemisia scoparia" is a species in the genus "Artemisia", in the family Asteraceae. Its common name is Redstem Wormwood.It is an allergen.

Active Pharmaceutical Ingredient Information

Part used

Whole dried young plant


Aromatic, slightly bitter and cold

Meridians entered

Spleen, stomach, liver and gall bladder


# To remove damp-heat
# To relieve jaundice


# Difficulty in urination
# Boils and itchiness
# Infectious icteric hepatitis


10-15 g are normally prescribed, however up to 30 g of usage are sometimes applied.

Chemical composition

# Capillarisin cite web | title = Chemical Study on Artemisia scoparia | url = | accessdate=Nov 17 | accessyear=2006]
# Chlorogenic acid butyl ester
# 6, 7-Dimethylesculetin
# Isosabandin
# Magnolioside (Isoscopoletin-β-D-glucopyranoside)
# 7-Methoxycoumarine
# 7-Methylesculetin
# Sabandins A cite web | title=Structural distinction between sabandins A and B from Artemisia scoparia waldst. (Asteraceae). | url = | accessdate=Nov 17 | accessyear=2006]
# Sabandins B
# Scoparone (6,7-dimethoxycoumarin) cite web | title=Pharmacological and biochemical actions of simple coumarins : Natural products with therapeutic potential | url = | accessdate=Nov 17 | accessyear=2006]
# Scopoletin
# β-Sitosterol

Clinical Information

Toxicity & Cautions

Although no reports of toxicity have been published for this species, skin contact with some members of this genus can cause dermatitis or other allergic reactions in some people. Others suggest not to priscribe it to post partum women who have blood deficiency, spleen deficiency or stomach cold.


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