

"Hörzu" is a German TV listings magazine. The magazine first appeared in 1946 as the first radio program magazine of what at that time was the British zone of occupation, and since then has appeared weekly in the British zone of occupation published by Axel Springer publishing house. In recent years their emphasis has been on television programs rather than radio.

The first edition of Hörzu appeared on 11 December 1946 under the name "Hör Zu! (Listen) - the broadcast newspaper". The magazine's first editor-in-chief was Eduard Rhein. In 1949 the cartoon hedgehog Mecki appeared for the first time, at first only as the editorial mascot. However the circulation of Hörzu increased rapidly. Since 1965 the Hörzu editors award the television prize "The Golden Camera ". Hörzu normally has 52 or 53 editions per year. In 1946, when it was founded, it appeared three times, in the following year 48 times.

The editors-in-chief of Hörzu:
* Eduard Rhein (1946 to 1965)
* Hans Bluhm (1965 to1974)
* Peter Bachér (1974 to 1985)
* Felix Schmidt (1985 to 1987)
* Helmut Reinke (1987 to 1989)
* Klaus Stampfuss (1989 to 1997)
* Andreas Petzold (1997 to 1999)
* Michael Lohmann (1999 to 2001)
* Joerg Walberer (2001 to 2003)
* Thomas Garms (2003-present)

In the 1960s Hörzu also released records. "Hörzu" was a subsidiary of Electrola, Cologne.

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