- Wynental
The Wynental is the
Wyna River valley mostly inCanton Aargau , but also Canton Lucerne,Switzerland . Municipalities found in the Wynental includeBeinwil am See ,Beromünster , Burg,Gontenschwil , Leimbach,Menziken , Neudorf,Oberkulm ,Pfeffikon , Reinach,Teufenthal ,Unterkulm , andZetzwil .The Wyna River is 32 km long. It begins north of Neudorf (LU) and runs due north between Beromünster (LU) and Menziken before connecting with the
Suhre River just north of Suhr. The valley is fairly narrow, with an average width of about 500 meters. Steep hills rise on both sides, carved by tributary valleys.The WSB (Wynental und Suhrental Bahn), a narrow gauge railroad, serves the Wynental. The Wynental branch runs from
Aarau to Menziken.Points & Events of Interest
* "Auffahrtsumritt" in Beromünster (Ascension Day procession)
* Collegiate church of St. Michael, Beromünster
* [http://www.aargautourismus.ch/en/page.cfm/Architektur/SchloesserKirchenAG/1919 Castle (Schloss) Liebegg]
* Castle (Schloss) Trostburg, near TeufenthalExternal Links
[http://www.hvw.ch Historische Vereinigung Wynental] (Wynental Historical Society)
[http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&hl=en&geocode=&q=switzerland&ie=UTF8&ll=47.258262,8.166962&spn=0.332544,0.598755&t=p&z=11&output=embed&s=AARTsJo-XgCX0QiEymQtbmT-P_xvE-wXDQ Google Earth map]
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