- Mime to Five
"Mime to Five" is episode 7.3 of the Happy Tree Friends TV series.
tarring Roles
* Mime
Featuring Roles
* Pop and Cub
* Russell
* Sniffles
* Giggles
* Disco Bear
* Lumpy
* Cro-Marmot
* Flaky
* Toothy
* Cuddles
* The MoleCameo Roles
* Petunia
* NuttyPlot
The episode starts with Mime walking up to a shop with a unicycle, but when he checks his pockets, he gets disappointed because he doesn’t have any money to buy it. Back at home, Mime looks over the jobs listed in a newspaper and first decides to works in Russell’s fast food restaurant. He was to get orders from the drive-through, but since he can’t talk, his first customers, Pop and Cub, did not understand him. Mime, thinking the volume on the intercom was too low, raises it. What he doesn’t know, is that a high pitched sound coming from the intercom caused not just Pop and Cub’s ears to explode, but the windows to their car, and the other cars waiting in line, killing the Generic Tree Friends inside. As a result of this, Russell fires Mime. Once he got home, he threw his pirate hat away and got back to looking for another job. He thought he would try being a lifeguard next.
He spots Sniffles drowning and rushes to save him (most people will know the reference). Petunia, who happened to be enjoying her day at the beach, thinks Mime is a little crazy, but also spots Sniffles drowning. Unfortunately, Mime does not save Sniffles and ends up performing CPR to an imaginary person, which, judging by Mime’s face, he did not save in time. Sniffles later washes ashore, appearing dead. Petunia is freaked out, and passes out, landing on Sniffles and also reviving him in the process. Mime opens up an imaginary umbrella and heads home. Mime tries being a window washer next.
Mime is seen washing a window to a barbershop while Disco Bear waits to enter. After Mime leaves, Disco Bear tries to move the window, only to see there was nothing there in the first place. After Disco Bear finishes getting his afro fixed, he sees Mime cleaning the same window earlier. Disco Bear thinks he’s cleaning another imaginary window and walks through without caution. This time the window was real and he is impaled and killed by the broken glass.
As Mime is about to give up, he decides to join the circus. Unfortunately, his tricks don’t impress Ringmaster Lumpy one bit, and he is hired for small chores. Lumpy tells him to fill a cannon with 2 cups of gunpowder, but when Mime tells Toothy the same thing, he misunderstands, and fills the cannon with the whole barrel. Meanwhile, Mime sees Lumpy giving Cro-Marmot his pay, but when Mime asks for his pay from Lumpy, he thinks Mime is asking for another chore, so he gives him a shovel. The screen shifts back to Toothy, filling the cannon with another barrel of gunpowder. Cuddles enters the cannon and Toothy lights the fuse.
Because the cannon was overloaded with gunpowder, Toothy is blown back by the powerful explosion and turned to ash. Cuddles is split with his lower half still attached to upper half. His lower half is caught by the support beam Flaky is standing on, causing blood to splash in her face. Flaky falls, but is rescued by Mime, who puts a trampoline under her. After a sigh of relief, she is sliced in half by Cuddles’ intestines. Her blood splashes on Lumpy, making his carnivorous ducks attack and eat him. The ducks then try to attack the crowd, and catch up to Giggles and eat her as the others escape.
Mime crawls out of the collapsed tent covered in blood. He sees Lumpy’s moneybag and decides to use it to buy his unicycle. But by the time he gets to the store, he realizes the unicycle had already been sold to Cro-Marmot. The episode ends with Cro-Marmot riding his unicycle while one of Lumpy’s ducks perches on him.
“Keep your nose to the grindstone.”
1. Pop and Cub, along with numerous Generic Tree Friends are killed when Mime raises the volume on the intercom, causing the windows from their cars to explode.
2. Sniffles drowns and is washed ashore.
3. Disco Bear is killed when he walks into a glass window thinking there was nothing in its place.
4. Toothy is turned to ashes after he is blown back by the cannon.
5. Cuddles’ intestines wrap around a support beam while he grapples on to another.
6. Flaky is sliced in half by Cuddles’ intestines.
7. Lumpy and Giggles are both eaten by man-eating circus ducks (Nutty, Russel and The Mole also were chased by the ducks, but they are not seen death).
Cultural References
* The title is a pun reference to the phrase 9 to 5.
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.