Abraham Lilienthal

Abraham Lilienthal

Abraham Wolf Lilienthal (1859-after 1912) was an American composer, born in New York City. Much of his output was chamber music, but he collaborated on an opera, "The Dove of Peace", with Walter Damrosch and Wallace Irving.

The sheet music for his Sonata for Cello and Piano, Op.40 can be seen at [http://imslp.org/wiki/Cello_Sonata_Op.40_%28Lilienthal%2C_Abraham_Wolf%29 IMSLP]


*cite book |last= Howard|first= John Tasker|authorlink= |coauthors= |editor= |others= |title= Our American Music: Three Hundred Years of It|origdate= |origyear= |origmonth= |url= |format= |accessdate= |accessyear= |accessmonth= |edition= |series= |volume= |date= |year= 1939|month= |publisher= Thomas Y. Crowell Company|location= New York|language= |isbn= |oclc= |doi= |id= |pages= |chapter= |chapterurl= |quote=

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