- Elizabeth P. Hoisington
Elizabeth Paschel Hoisington (
November 3 1918 –August 21 2007 ) was anUnited States Army officer who was one of the first women to attain the rank ofBrigadier General .On
June 11 1970 , three years after Congress authorized the promotion of women to the rank of General, Army officersAnna Mae Hays and Hoisington became the first two women to be promoted to the rank of Brigadier General in the United States Army. Hoisington also became the firstWomen's Army Corps (WAC) officer promoted to that rank. (Hays was with theArmy Nurse Corps ).History of Service
Hoisington's Army service goes back to early
World War II . Women, with the exception of nurses, were not officially in the Army during WWII. Instead, they were members of the Women's Army Auxiliary Corps (WAAC).Elizabeth Hoisington enlisted in November 1942 and completed her
basic training atFort Des Moines ,Iowa . At the time, women were required to serve in units before they could apply toOfficer Candidate School (OCS), so Private Hoisington went to a WAAC aircraft early warning unit inBangor, Maine .The company commander recognized her talents and made her the
First Sergeant soon after her arrival."From private to first sergeant, that was my greatest promotion in the Army." "~General Hoisington"
She then sought out the most grizzled male first sergeant she could find and asked him to teach her what she needed to know. She claims that he did such a good job that when she reached OCS she never had to open a book.After Bangor, Hoisington made it to OCS. Her commission in May 1943 was to the rank of WAAC third officer. When the auxiliary became the Women's Army Corps (WAC) a month later, its officers changed to standard Army ranks.
Colonel Elizabeth P. Hoisington was appointed the seventh Director of the Women's Army Corps on
August 1 1965 and served from 1966 to 1971. As the Director of the Women’s Army Corps, Col. Hoisington visited the WACs serving during the Vietnam war inSaigon andLong Binh in September 1967. According to some sources, Hoisington discouraged sending Army women to Vietnam. She believed that the public controversy over the issue of women in combat zones would deter progress in expanding the role of women in the Army.Promotion/Retirement
May 15 1970 , President Nixon announced the first women selected for promotion to Brigadier General: Col.Anna Mae Hays , Chief, Army Nurse Corps, and Elizabeth P. Hoisington, effectiveJune 11 1970 . Hoisington retired onAugust 1 1971 .The Other First: General Anna Mae Hays
According to the [http://e-anca.org/bios/Hays.htm Army Nurse Corps Association] , "on 11 June 1970, Colonel Anna Maye Hays was promoted to the grade of general and became the first woman in the United States Armed Forces to wear the insignia of a brigadier general."
Born in
Newton, Kansas ; General Elizabeth Hoisington was an alumna of theCollege of Notre Dame of Maryland . Her father, Gregory Hoisington, was a graduate ofWest Point and a Colonel in the U.S. Army. He was a direct descendant of Ebenezer Hoisington, a founder of the state ofVermont , who served during theAmerican Revolution .Her brother, Perry Hoisington II, was also a General. Elizabeth Hoisington’s 1970 promotion made them the first brother and sister Generals in the
United States Army ; her nephew served as enlisted in theMarine Corps . Her grandfather, Perry Milo Hoisington I, helped to organize theKansas National Guard .Upon her death, at age 88, she was survived by a younger brother, Robert, and a sister, Nancy. She never married.
Primary Sources
* [http://www.defenselink.mil/news/newsarticle.aspx?id=43004 "Marching on - Three Generations of Army Women" by Lt. Col. Randy Pullen] An obituary in the "
Washington Post " dated November 4, 2007, lists four siblings: Major General Perry M. Hoisington, USAF (Ret.), Lt Col Robert H. Hoisington, USA (Ret.), Mary Jo Maertens and Nancy H. Smith; 18 nieces and nephews, numerous great- and great-great nieces and nephews.Additional Sources
* [http://e-anca.org/bios/Hays.htm "Brigadier General Anna Mae Hays: 13th Chief, Army Nurse Corps" by Mary T. Sarnecky]
* [http://www.awm.lee.army.mil/ArmyWomen_SigDates/history_of_army_women-C.htm History of Army Women: Significant Dates (1966 - 1975)]
* [http://userpages.aug.com/captbarb/dateline.html Timeline Dates for Women in the Military Officially]
* [http://www.terrispencer.com/vwv/history_army.htm "The Women’s Army Corps during the Vietnam War" by Colonel Bettie J. Morden, U.S. Army Retired]
* [http://www.womensmemorial.org/historyandcollections/history/lrnmrevietnam.htm Women in the United States Military History: In Vietnam]
* [http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2007/08/23/AR2007082302337.html Washington Post obituary - source: The American Family Hoisington, by Harry Hoisington, 1934]Other Links of Interest
* [http://skyways.lib.ks.us/museums/kng/hoisingtonhf.html Museum of Kansas National Guard Hall of Fame: Col. Perry M. Hoisington (her father)]
* [http://www.army.mil/women/ Women in the U.S. Army]
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