Ervin Y. Galantay

Ervin Y. Galantay

Galàntay, Ervin Ivan, born 14 october 1930 Budapest Hungary, married to Karla Jay Noell (New York) 1959, two sons Roy 1961, Richard 1964. Lives in Cossonay, Switzerland
Professor Emeritus (architecture and planning) , of the Swiss Federal Technical University of Lausanne, (Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne - EPFL).

1955 dipl. arch, Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule Zürich (ETH Zürich);
1957 Master of City Design; Philadelphia USA
Lecturer Columbia University, New York 1959;
Assistant Professor Harvard University 1961.
Associate Professor Columbia University 1965,
Professeur Ordinaire at the Swiss Federal Technical University EPFL. Dean of the Faculty; Director of the postgraduate Programs in Development Planning. Retired 1995.

member of the prize-winning teams in the international competitions for the city Halls of Toronto and Boston. Member of the Design team of the Venezuelan New Town of Ciudad Guayana, and of Owerri, Nigeria. Master Plan of the campus of the State University of New York's Stony Brook Campus: Design of the Library. Humanities Building at Stony Brook L.I., as well, with DPW associates. of the Fine Arts Center and of the Music and Theatre buildings of the SUNY at Stony Brook.


articles in
"Architecture d'Aujourd'hui" 1956.
"The Nation" (N.Y)
"Progressive Architecture"
"The Town Planning Review"
"Hungarian Journal of Military History"
"the Hungarian Quarterly"

"New Towns from the antiquity to the present" Braziller New York, 1975.Seven editions. -
"Nuevas ciudades : de la antigüedad a nuestros días" Editorial Gustavo Gili: Barcelona and Buenos Aires 1977(also in Japanese and in Persian)
"The Metropolis in Transition" Paragon House, New York 1980
with A. Saqqaf et al." "The Arabic City"
"New towns world-wide", International Federation for Housing and Planning, The Hague, the Netherlands 1985; editors, E.Y. Galantay, A.K. Constandse, T. Ohba.
[ "Boy soldier, Budapest, 1944 - 1945" Militaria Publishers. 2nd edition 2006. Budapest] 280 pages, 70 photos, 11 sketches ,. ten maps. Foreword by Lt.Gen. D. Petrosky of the US.Army,. See also C. Dick in the British Military Review, and L. Grau in the U.S. Military Review Febr.2008.

using the pseudonym Yan A. Galt:
"Selina", 1970, Stockwell Ltd UK.
"Ivanov/Evanson - a morality play" 1971 Stockwell Ltd. UK

Military affairs

E. Galantay is a Central Captain of the Knightly Order of Hungarian Warriors ("Vitéz" -- valiant in English)
and has been decorated with the golden medal of the Hungarian Institute of Military History. He has lectured about urban warfare (Military Operations Urban Terrain - MOUT) at the U. S. Army General Staff School at Fort Leavenworth and numerous other venues: at the British Army's War studies department and at the Conflict Studies Research Centre, Sandhurst and Shrivenham, as well as to Swiss and Hungarian military audiences.

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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