

The Oekoenergie-Cluster (OEC) is the network of businesses from the following sectors:

*Solar energy (solar thermal, photovoltaics)
*Biomass and biogas
*Wind energy
*Geothermal energy and heat pumps
*Small hydro power
*Low energy buildings
*Energy performance contracting
*Energy efficient lighting
*Energy advice
*Energy efficient building services

It is the aim of the Oekoenergie-Cluster to foster innovation and competitiveness of green energy businesses and thereby to contribute to a positive market trend in the field of sustainable energy production and use.

Due to its active energy technology sector and the high market penetration of renewable energy sources as well as the large number of enterprises involved in this field, Upper Austria provides excellent conditions for this network.

The OEC is managed by the O.Oe. Energiesparverband, the energy agency of Upper Austria, and financially supported by the Regional Government/Department of Economics of Upper Austria.


*Information and communication:Developing and up-dating the following information tools: a company data base, the [http://www.oec.at OEC website] , an English/ German catalogue of products and services, on-going information services for its members

*Training:Organising training courses, business events and workshops on sector specific topics

*Co-operation & technology focus areas:Launching, developing and supporting co-operation projects between OEC partners and with technology transfer facilities (such as universities or research institutes), cooperating with other networks and “clusters”

*Research and development:Launching, developing and supporting research projects of OEC partners, for example supported by the “Energie-Technologie-Programm ETP” (the Upper Austrian Energy Technology R & D Programme)

*Export:Representing the OEC internationally, supporting export activities of the cluster partners (in co-operation with the Chamber of Commerce), networking with energy agencies from other countries

*Marketing and PR:Compiling information material on green energy topics, promoting the OEC in Austria and abroad, implementing PR, market research and market development projects.

OEC Project Examples

*Pellets & Solar:European Pellets Conference & Renewable Heating and Cooling Conference, Solar Cooling, Information folder “Biomass & Solar Technologies” - Made in Upper Austria

*Sustainable energy in services and industry:Energy efficiency in offices, Energy efficient cooling, Information folder “Efficient use of energy for businesses”

*International co-operation:OEC export tours, OEC exhibition stands on trade shows, Partner database in English, European Green Energy Cluster

External links

* [http://www.oec.at Oekoenergie-Cluster]
* [http://www.esv.or.at O.Oe. Energiesparverband]

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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  • O.Oe. Energiesparverband — The O.Oe. Energiesparverband is the energy agency of Upper Austria. It was set up by the regional government in 1991 to promote energy efficiency, renewable energy sources and innovative energy technologies located in Linz/Austria. Main target… …   Wikipedia

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