rose rust — noun 1. : any of several rusts that attack roses: as a. : a rust of the genus Phragmidium b. : a rust of the genus Earlea 2. : disease caused by a rose rust … Useful english dictionary
rust — /rust/, n. 1. Also called iron rust. the red or orange coating that forms on the surface of iron when exposed to air and moisture, consisting chiefly of ferric hydroxide and ferric oxide formed by oxidation. 2. any film or coating on metal caused … Universalium
rose — 1. (rô z ) s. f. 1° Fleur odoriférante, ordinairement d un rouge un peu pâle, et qui croît sur un arbuste épineux. Rose simple ou rose sauvage. Rose du Bengale. Rose des quatre saisons ou de Damas. • Mais elle était du monde où les plus… … Dictionnaire de la Langue Française d'Émile Littré
Rust Belt — Change in total number of manufacturing jobs in metropolitan areas, 1954 2002. (Figures for New England are from 1958.) Maroon=greater than 58% loss Red=43% 56% loss Pink=31% 43.2% loss Yellow=8.7% 29.1% loss [United States average: 8.65% loss]… … Wikipedia
rust rusty rust-colored — colorful colorful adj. 1. having striking color. Opposite of {colorless}. Note: [Narrower terms: {changeable, chatoyant, iridescent, shot}; {deep, rich}; {flaming}; {fluorescent, glowing}; {prismatic}; {psychedelic}; {red, ruddy, flushed,… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Rose d’Or — Logo Kultur und Kongresszentrum Luzern (KKL … Deutsch Wikipedia
rose — rose1 roseless, adj. roselike, adj. /rohz/, n., adj., v., rosed, rosing. n. 1. any of the wild or cultivated, usually prickly stemmed, pinnate leaved, showy flowered shrubs of the genus Rosa. Cf. rose family. 2. any of various related or similar… … Universalium
rose roseate — colorful colorful adj. 1. having striking color. Opposite of {colorless}. Note: [Narrower terms: {changeable, chatoyant, iridescent, shot}; {deep, rich}; {flaming}; {fluorescent, glowing}; {prismatic}; {psychedelic}; {red, ruddy, flushed,… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
rose-red — colorful colorful adj. 1. having striking color. Opposite of {colorless}. Note: [Narrower terms: {changeable, chatoyant, iridescent, shot}; {deep, rich}; {flaming}; {fluorescent, glowing}; {prismatic}; {psychedelic}; {red, ruddy, flushed,… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Rose — /rohz/, n. 1. Billy, 1899 1966, U.S. theatrical producer. 2. a female given name. * * * I Any of about 100 species in the genus Rosa (family Rosaceae) characterized by their beautiful, fragrant flowers. Rosa species are probably the most widely… … Universalium