

Infobox Software
name = Go-oo

caption =
collapsible =
author =
developer = free software community
released =
frequently updated = yes
programming language = C++
operating system = Cross-platform
platform =
language =
status =
genre = Office suite
license = GNU Lesser General Public License CDDL
website = [http://go-oo.org/ http://go-oo.org/]

Go-oo is a variant of the cross-platform office application suite OpenOffice.org. It has some more support for Office Open XML file formats than the "plain" (Sun) OpenOffice.org, and other enhancements that have either not yet been accepted into the upstream Sun version, or will not be because of business or political reasons. The OpenOffice.org included with many popular Linux distributions such as Debian and openSUSE is in fact Go-oo. It supports the ISO standard OpenDocument Format (ODF) for data interchange as its default file format, as well as Microsoft Office '972003 formats, Microsoft Office '2007 format (in version 3), among many others.


For a long time various Linux distributions, including SUSE in its various forms, Debian and Ubuntu have cooperated in maintaining a large set of patches to the upstream OpenOffice.org that for various technical or semi-political reasons have not been accepted or not even submitted upstream. Some of the companies behind those distributions also have offered Windows builds of OpenOffice.org offering the same enhancements compared to the upstream build. Go-oo is just a more concentrated branding effort for these patched builds of OpenOffice.org. Whether this can be called a fork is open to debate.
Michael Meeks, from Novell (that works also on OOo and GNOME), says that the differentiation is done because Sun Microsystems wants to preserve its rights to offer open versions (OOo), its own version (StarOffice) and even sells the development to the proprietary software market, like Lotus Symphony, from IBM. Sun is accused of not accepting contributions from the community.

External links

* [http://go-oo.org/ Official homepage]
* [http://derstandard.at/?url=/?id=1216917892794%26_artikelIndex=3 Interview about the reasons of forking OOo and producing Go-oo]

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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